I was talking to my daughter and we were discussing james,,,our heroin addict grandson,,, I called him tonight and he was fucked up,,,he said he only had a couple of nips,,,no way, he was barely able to slur and talk,,,I told her to call the cops on his dealer,,and she was working on it,,she called they did not answer,,,so she was thinking of getting in touch with is doc the one who passes out these drugs,,to dealers...A lot of the targeting involves people,,,Ti,,s who saw drug deals,,,was neighbor to a drug dealer,,,etc...so a lot of this targeting inbobes drugs,,,,my daughter said the cops do nothing,,,they consdier the person reporting as a snithch,,,,and look down on them...instead of concerned people...she says the cops don't want to bother unless it is a big drug deal...otherwise don't bother...
I shall warn my daughter not to get involved,,,,,she could become targeted......wild horses are being herded and sent to Mexico for processing,,, I wonder what Mexico is going to do with the meat,,,probaly sell it to the U.S. one wonders..
Jillian had on a dress today and she said I bought it for her and I do not recall, it is real cute though,,and I am sure I bought it,,,I have bought her much,,,,..anyway Ferguson has calmed down ,,the military has been pulled back,,but on the internet,,,they showed a video of a guy killed by cops for not paying for his fare on the bus...I wonder what is going on,,,that is several black young men killed for minor monor crimes like this,,,,he was with an other guy and at first the guy said wilson did nothing then later recanted, and said he strong armed the clerk...for some cigars,,,then he bum rushed the cop,,,it doesn't matter young black males are easy targets,,,does't matter what they do,,,just in the wrong place at the wrong time,,,,sometimes to be honest,,,I am real glad I am white,,,a gift my parents gave to me...eben though way back somewhere on the French side,,,either black or indian or both, my mother told me my grandmother was indian,,,I asked how can you tell, she said look at her picture,,,I thought she looked Italian but my mother saw indian,,,I also saw black in the family tree,,,my brother bill had all physical attributes of being black,,except he was white,,,hig ass, kinky,,nappy really hair,,,brown eyes full lips,,,tall long legged,,,,good shepe ha had muscles too,,,anyway,,,I always thought he had the mainifistation of black blood,,,back then when the country was young,,,many single men married indiginous women,,,or whomever they could grab,,women were not common in the begiining years of our country,,,The brits frowned on going native as they called it but the FRench ,,the french did not mind at all...my dad's people came to the states in the 1500, lots of generation adn that is documented in either Moncton or St. Charles, New Brunswick,,,
My dad told me that and he could not make that up,,not the type too..like me,,,he was pretty honest.A big crack opened up in XXX , I mean a big crack,,,, earthquake or an underground stream like a mini Grand Canyon,,,I bet the christians are on that one,,,and them lots of jelly fish but that happens periodically,,,I rememver some years jelly fish,,,others few...it ebes and flows...
My whole body hurts from the pulsing
and I also told my daughter to be careful if she does anyting about drugs,,,many Ti targeting started with drug,,,deals or saw something etv....
so I told her to be anonymouse.....Anyway tired,,, will write more tomorrow....
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