David Diachision has a young man now living with him,,,I do not know if it is the girls boyfriend or his younger son,,,the one who used to do Little Leage,,,that's how david got the coaches after me..through his son's membership in little league,,,the coaches quit when I took pictures of them, they had a lot to lose and I was trying to go to the little league website to voice my complaint but you could not communicate with them at all....I imagine they ran into quite a bit of suggestions and complaints from the parents,,,bribery,,,I bet everything,,,Littel league is for rich kids,,the cost is off the planet for poor or even lower middle class, Bud wanted to enroll Devin but could not afford it..hundreds,,,not only to play but for equipment...Over our pay grade..
anyway for a while there,,whenever I walked through the Little Leage park,,,,the coaches and it was the coaches would zap me,,,evidently a lot of people have this shit,,,iphones,,,zappers,,,laser listening devices,,,all kinds of local technology that has been modified,,,
then you have an upper grade of device,,,that is the one that can hurl you through the air,,,I am pretty positive they have special people working that device with special training,,,I saw unfamilier faces when that occured,,,just the once, the other time ,,when I was thrown down the stairs,,I can only say that the pulse came from Nelson's direction....Then I was picked up and thrown downstairs..
Oh yeah when I was hurled through the air the second time,,,,the nurse was talking to the guy,,,who was parked just before the crosswalk in the middle of the street,,,I think he was the handler,, the controller of the device,,,
I can't remember the name of the street but it was the first right hand street after you come out of the bamboo forest,,from the ismius between little and big springs pond ,,,ul,,,I guess it all threatens our health..
We electrified people we live in a wifi world,,the magnetic field and resonance of the world is within us,,, so the military has learned to use this to destroy us by manipulating,,,it ,,,
Irene and Paul are also enjoying this, and It is an easy shot from their house to my window..above my coach and an easy shot from Diachisions end of driveway...he always has a car parked their..blocking the view from the end of his driveway, so i set up anothe rcamera from the end of his driveway,,high overhead...he does not like that one at all and he is pulsing it all the time...so I will set it up today a foot closer to his house and over the trees,,,he pulses me from is back yard and end of driveway mostly...What a stupid prick,,, he is being used even more than I,,,Yes now that I think about it that is his youngest son,,, I think there is the big kid,,,huge,,,goofy,,Sousa's son looks to be built exactly the same,,,very tall, and linear looking,,,long waisted,,,just abut the same size,,I wonder if they had the same father? Maybe Sousa,,because the kid is tall, crept in Diachisions bed one night,,,I wouldn't put it past that creep...he is creeepy too...not without intelligence though,,and like all street people ,he can think on his feet..
I'm watching Project Runway,,,and they have and Indian Woman on from India,,,she is talented,,,and wants to win the prize,,she will probably be on the runway,,,amanda as well and maybe the kid who did the beautiful fringe dress,,,Hiedi Kum is going to wear to an awards show,,,I have yet to figure out how he trimmed the fringe to lay flat rather than bulky,,,he layered it just so and then the bottom fringe worked in was black and the dress was deep blue,,,very very nice,,,hope he can keep it up...some designers have a flash int he pan,,,but then bottom out,,,or are called one note designers,,,sometimes that can be good,,,they had a woman on who her specialty was flowy prints,,wh was really good.like Ruth McDonnell and her amazing ability to use prints and have stunning effects from them,,,I should finish my two quilts,,,my red japanese quilt and my african tribute,,,I love that one,,,the woman and the child print,,
Oh yeah it seems like african men are being targeted by the police,,,I do nto think it has anything to do with Obama,,,just something the police do every once in a while go through a spat of shootings against black me,,,for nothing,,,they never catch the reall bad ciminals or they are already in jail so now they catch the bus fare avoiders and the cigar stealers in the convienance store,,,all the real bad guys are in jail..and the jisls are crowded....so what are you gonna do,,but shoot them I guess...
The tiles work for me,,it gets most of the pulsing and frequencies down to where it is not a health threat,,,or hurtf
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