I think I am being hacked of course Bettoncourt's brother, our present mayor, is a cop,
and Rick Nelson's brother is a cop , that would make him Lauri Nelson's brother in law,
,,so isn't Bonfanti's,,, former mayor I ran against him, last election,,, his brother,son? is a cop.
David Diachision's father is a retired LT under Torigian
Nice jobs for both...no wonder David is all the loyal thug...
Paul my next door neighbor,, his son is in or was in academy for FBI or some fed organization.
Francisco Sousa is friends with the cop that lives on McArthur circle, the one who picked up his kid at Brown's school..
So that is where I stand,, the cops hate me because I wrote the 9/11 paper against them,, whoa unto anyone who goes against the cops,,,so to hack my blog is easy peasy...
I think that is what might of happened to Ken Baker,, the guy out west who was targeted,,he appeared on the Jesse Ventura show,,BRAIN INVADERS and thought the title is creepy , that is what this technology does,,, it invades you brain,,mind control,,,
Ken Baker was a former cop,,,nothing spooky about three shots he took, all hit his arm,,, all total 7 shots fired,,, they caught the guy who was targeting him.Probably another cop..I wonder what he did,,no one ever mentions that,, why he is targeted. Sounds like cops would be doing it,,,I shall follow this .
I know why I am targeted,,,I blew the whistle about the burying of the toxic dump under the golf course... I wonder If EG and Torigian shit their pants at my protest... One wonders?
Earlier today in my last post,I wrote about Matt Gauthier on Rockdale I went for a walk and Gauthier was out front and it looked like Stephanie was talking to her,,they both saw me and Gauthier looked at me but Stephanie hid,,she did not want me to see her..so here I am writing about Gauthier and she is over talking to them,, a coincidence,,,not in my book.
One wonder if my computer is still a private blog or the cops are hacking me..I wonder if their getting my blog still.......maybe I should do my blog somewhere else...
Very possible.....lots of people in this town gave relatives jobs,,one big happy paternal family,, Torigian sure put all his ducks in a row,,,now I do not wonder how he stayed in power so long,,,,son in law
(s )as head of city depts//married to his daughters,,fire,, cops,,,maintenance thugs all willing to do his bidding,,whatever it was...he owned them,, he paid for their lives at tax payer expense and they all made sure they lived well, one thing I have noticed,,, all the city employees who live around me and their are plenty,, all have the biggest and best house on the street they live on,,, they are well taken care of..again at tax payer expense,,no wonder the taxes keep going up every year.
,I wonder what the family brought home collectively for a pay check,, and the Little Leage coaches are so loyal because Torigian built them a little league field,,,they targeted me as well as I passed through the park during a couple of games,,, they stopped when I started filming,,,they feared reprisal.,,,
Good for them ,,,but again it was their taxes that paid for the LL park,,,ALL OUR TAXES...paid for it,,,The school by law should not of been built,, it did not have a playground,, so the Little league park was considered the schools playground...
.I bet Rick Nelson is the one who suggested the land Trovas owned,, for the school,,, his backyard abuts the Trovas land... he must of seen it every day....
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