Franky Anderson,,,one of my main perps,,,had his dirt bike stolen day before yesterday,,I truly believe in Karma,,,I do,,,this is the kid, for it is Jr. who threatened me with his snow plow ,,that night,,,I had heard a plow as I left the house to go to the store to buy milk,,,we were just finishing up a snow storm,,I looked around the curve of the street and it was Franky plowing the house across from his house,,,the green one,,,so I turned and went on my way...As I walked up the street,,,and turned into Wentworth, I took a bit longer than you would think,,I was trying to tape this hiss coming from Diachision;s house,, i believe it is the signature of through the wall camera,,,i was trying to get a good sound so i walked by the diachisions house several times in the middle of the street,,,with my camera on,,,took me a few minutes...,there Franky was parked, waiting for me,,,he started to push snow into a bank in front of this house on the corner and he was menacing with his truck,,,he pushed into the banking a few times and then drove off......I took pictures and continued on my way,,,,he has on other occasions as well as his dad zapped me good from his house,,,On several occasions my neighbor Frank senior from his bedroom window have pulsed me as I went down my entrance way stairs,,,,this pulsing can give you one hell of a push,,,and I never knew when they were going to do it,,,it came from his upstairs bedroom window,,,he has an air conditioner in it now,,but during the winter he took it out,,,I took one hell of a push down the stairs falling on top of my cart,,,,and cutting my arm very deeply.. I took pictures of that and posted it here on my blog...I also got pulsed through the fence from stacias house,,,the person entered her house as i heard the latch click on her celler door,,, i will take a picture of the door ...the pulse came directly from this direction...
Bud called me yesterday and told me about Frank's dirt bike,,,at first I was like Karma ,,,,I love always have come through for me,,,bud asked if I would look on my camera,,,,and I did,, the whole long hours of them,,,,not seeing a thing,,,my cameras are not positioned or set up for this kind of thing,,, I am looking for proof of DEW harassment,,,directed energy harassment,,,flashes of light,,,and it rained very heavy we had a noisy rain storm as well big drops,,,make lots of noise..and bud also felt it was someone who knew him,,,,I wonder if it was the neighbor who complained of his son's four wheeler,,,one of the neighbors complained of his son's vehicles... a few years to have a steal his dirt bike,,,well I believe it,,,,I know Chris Yaikus screamed at Cherie one night when he was in full pulse mode against me,,,he screamed at her when she called in her kids for dinner,,,she never has called them since... He is a very hard,,,man,,, tough or so he seems against women at least...Chris Yaikus is the guy who had his son jump their little fence walk down between Cherie's house and garage and pulse the shit out of me,,,,blew me out of bed...I thought he was going to tear the house apart,,,,but it was his oldest,,,step? son,,the runner. anyway, I recognized him and what he was wearing that day... I know I have it on film,,maybe...
anyway the dirt bike is gone,,,during the rain and someone he knew...general consensus of bud's and mine,,,,Stephanie was bringing in her groceries and Paul and Irene went over to speak with her,,, so that is what they are doing,,,they are going to try and get my blog to use it against me and my cameras as well....the other day as I was walking up the street she was behind her car and was talking to her youngest son,,, the daughter is big and dark like the father,,,,isn't it always the way,,,
she started to move away and both had very bad angry looks at me,,,as I walked by,,,,I seemed not to be their favorite person and she was intently telling him something,,,,,I did not hear,,,and I said as I walked by,,," do not believe everything you hear" I wanted him to have doubt as to what was going on,,,she reported this to the police and they drove by and HSS me,,,"not to speak to her again,,," I wanted her son to know,,that he should examine all aspects of a case..Only then can he find out the truth,,if indeed that is what he wants.....Maybe I was successful..and that is why she reported my comment to the police...what would that get her a report to the police about speaking to her...a report,,,I wonder what is in that report...I shall ask..but knowing her affiliation with the police,,,I do not think I will get the report... I know one was made...her father in law was and is retired Lt Peabody Ma. and Laura Nelson's brother in law is also a police officer..Rick's brother,,,,in this town it is all kept within the family ,,this is the illuminate on a microcosm..
you know the conspiracy theory,, about Rockafeller,, they always mention him and then fade off for names,,,,Roosevelt all these real old money,,,people,, who are supposedly ruling the world,,,,I think their are some who are toying with the idea at least Milton Friedman's idea of chaos,, making money out of chaos,,,stealing property and moneys,,,that is what is being done to Ti's stealing property...This is laid out in the book,,,The shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein,,,,wonderful book,,,many many Ti's have had property stolen,,, maybe Franky's dirt bike is part of it,,
Anyway,,, I really looked at my tape for the Anderson's but it really was a black night,noisy from the rain,,,,someone knew just where to go.....and who to steal it from..I'm sorry I must apologize for my joy,,,thank you Karma,,,I wonder what kind of super whammy she will give the Diachisions,,, they have been criminally harassing me for years,,,,for years. wicked bad...
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