It seems like it is a pretty small effective device,,
What does it do,,,
It sends out a large spark of intense electricity,,,
It is consistent,,, it always comes out at the same angle so it hits the target
at the exact same spot,,,it can be tiny and light or heavy and blow you away..
I know Yaikus has it,,, and so doesn't Diachision,,,
Diachision's spark comes in through the fence and hits me on the left side of my neck, face
The bone has been dissolved around the last tooth I have on that side,,, it is now loose
it wiggles,,,The muscle is tetanized,,, pulled together,,,so your head always turns in that direction
Yaikus hit me from the front right side of my head,,,they set it outside the front door,, and one time I got up to go get it ,,, when I went outside I just saw the oldest kid going in the house,,,he had seen me and went out and picked it up.
Now it is always on my left side coming from Diachisions house,,, constant,,, it is dissolving the bone around the tooth,,, mandible,,,and hitting the muscle on that side..pulling the head over,,,the neck muscles are intensely painful,,, the sharpest most intense pain I ever felt,,, this harassment,,, goes deep into the muscle and binds them up and makes them so fucking painful..i mean screaming painful,,,and completely impedes your motion,, for instance I think I know why they did this,, if you move in a fast manner,,, you cannot ignore this,,, it is that painful and I can ignore pain,,,if I have too to get the job done...but this you cannot ignore. The body will not respond correctly even if you ignore it. I know the pulsing has drilled holes in the muscles at strategic spots painful spots. This was set up and usedmany times on the road,,, I saw the perps set this up to hit me as I slept in the car and the spark always seemed to hit me just where they wanted it to go..
One time at a rest stop,,, the perps thought I was asleep and i saw where they had put this device,,,I waited a few minutes till they left then got up and went looking for it,,, I did not quickly find it,, so I went back to my car and the couple that placed it showed up within seconds,,,so they were near or had been called, a police cruiser was parked up the hill in the rest stop.. so it could of been either one alerted...
but this spark thing is painful,, and destructive to the body,,,I want to kill them, they deserve death,, and they know it,,,
oh yeah..I know that I was told and believe this to be true. That we are pumped full of energy. Then asked questions. I don't know if it worked or not. For them. I prefer pot it makes me think same effect on kelly.
I gave jillian and devin each 100 $ for school clothes,,, kelly took us to the mall they all ate at the sushi place I was not invited,,,I went shopping myself and met them and they basically ran away from me......never happen again...
Kelly had come downstairs and started yelling at me that the kids needed clothes,,,I was goin to do it the next she shut up,,, I gave Devin the money and we all went to the mall with Elizabeth,,, Devin's girlfriend,,,
well I wonder what that was all about,,,I don't know if they were spending it on something they should not,,, if indeed it was all spent on clothes,,,i think I bought dinner,,,how much kelly got,,,
or were they up to something else...I have no idea..
I had to call bud to even realize kelly had the phone,,,I called her and she told me she was on the way,,,no apology,,and I yelled at Devin,,,about his lack of school concentration,,,,so this morning,,, that he is so concerned about clothes and kelly said he was crying,,,
I told him school was more important, and I really yelled at him about it,,, how was he going to support elizabeth and kids,, his come back,,, we are never going to have kids" well accidents cause people is what I think,,,he wants to be a plumber,, and kelly piped up,, he has to take a computer class,,,, and I said so your gonna work in the shit for the rest of your life...good luck,,,
so I got my just deserts for chewing devin out,, they protect him, they treat him like he is perfect and can do no wrong,,,,,,reality is going to be hard for him,,,,
jillian at 6:18 I got zapped,,,really really bad and it sounded like Jillian the kids are like that, they use this to punish me when I go against their wishes,,, I shall be glad when they do this to their parents,,, one other thing,,, I was in the shed looking for a roach,,, and bud's golf bag was there,, I saw a paper in the pocket,, he had folded up a joint in one so I thought it was that,,, and it was a receipt for his golf day the end of august 29,,, 87 dollars,,, kinda pricey if you ask me and that money could of gotten the kids some clothes BEFORE school,,,I wonder how much he pays for his golf shit,, and maybe this is why they are pretty broke,,, he keeps all the funds under his control,, but they had to go to conn, to pay off their bills, that was the one statement kelly made to me when she came home "all the bills are paid,," I have no idea what that means or how they did that...
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