well I had an argument with Kelly the other day,,, she wants to throw James on the street, jBud feels threatened by him,,,James is bigger and probably stronger...Bud has gotten a weight set with all kinds of weights and is working out,, legs and arms,,, I used it for a bench press just to bring back memories of Gold's Gym in San Diego..
The argument with Kelly ended with her challenging me with her fists up and ready.. I did not threaten her,, just upped my own fists in self defense if it came to that.I might get a punching bag and install it here, just for a good work out, if they attack me I want to be ready and it seems like they are getting ready.
James has been spanned time with Jess in Lynn, and she was getting loopy from to much weed,, so James and Jess have quit and are quitting cigerettes as well,,,whatever happened to her , seems like it really scared her,,,
The other day during the above argument,,, I told Kelly i knew this argument and malice and hostility came from Bud,, he sat at the computer and kept saying ,, Prove it,,,,,Prove over and over,,, I don't have to prove nothing Bud,,, I know what you did,,,,all the shit you stole from my apt. I wondered where it went,,,,its not in your house,,, you fucking gave my stuff away..For example the canning jars you told and gave to your buddy who grows weed,,,he put his weed in them and wheeled them around in his little suitcase... those were mine I went downstairs and checked all my jars were gone. Most of them anyway stored in the dish washer, because I never used the dishwasher. The pointed tips on my knives,,, the stuff you stole from me , my chipped good pieces of china,, the butter dish, the small Italian bowl,,, all the missing stuff you even let your kids,,,do it,,,
One day I left my door unlocked to take the trash out,, I came back and heard someone rush up the stairs,,,the lock on my door was swinging wildly,,,and as I entered my apt. I smelled Devon's aftershave.....
See Bud can't go after me with James here.
James also saw some pulses I heard his exclamation when I was being hit from devons direction. The xbox has been converted to a pulsed device,,just like Cherie and Jerimiah converted the Wii into a pulsed device.
Im going to repeat the story of Cheries son Jebidiah? on the back enclosed porch with big windows.I was in my kitchen closest room to cherie house,, if I remember correctly, it was a Sunday...Making coffee and getting my ass toasted..this video below is this technology ,,,, or part of it,,,,Her oldest son,,, name escapes me , was on her back enclosed porch,,, I left my house and walked across the street following the sharp, white, high intensity pulse, saw it coming from Cherie's house.So I walked over and it appeared to come from around the corner,, so I walked around the garage and saw her oldest boy playing Wii,,at the end of the porch nearest my house was an old big TV,,, every time the boy pulsed at the game he was playing,,, the spark would go through the TV and fly across the street into my house....Why was it attracted to my kitchen...I bet it was my bed...my iron bed,,, one day I came home from being out and the back of the bed had been taken off and turned around and was loose, it is held at the bottom by screws,,, I put that bed together myself,,, I knew it was tight,,,and the back was put on correctly, so I knew someone was here and modified my bed,,, I wonder if they put something inside of it that attracted these pulses from the Wii... From what I understand they work on microwave or laser,,,,pulses.it goes through walls, and they are blue pinpoint to inches , balls in some respect which goes through walls,,,and blue is highest level of laser,, red does not go through walls, but blue does.So I have read.Anyway I stood and watched the kid from the dirt road,,for a while, quite a few minutes...so it was not hurried. I stood maybe ten minutes and watched.. the kid pulse the TV and the spark leave the TV and take a 90 degree angle for my house,,, for my fucking house..I told Cherie about it,, and never saw the shades up again,, ever.....So we have 3 choices for this phenomenon ,, this device here in the video,,, a good chance that,,,,,,or microwave or laser...I should get the specs on Wii and xbox.
Some of the pulses that hit me look like this I wonder what this would feel like hitting a person?
Im going to send this again to bill binney, kirk Wiebe, Jennifer with my thoughts,,, I do not know if it is a mind link,,, it could be,, I know that they can reach out and actually grab you,,wether they can mind link with this,,,well your guess is as good as mine,, it remains to be seen, but I know they can take a electromagnetic field and form it to grab you…they tried reaching out to grab me and I felt it and avoided it,,,but this was also how they threw me down the cellar stairs and I landed without out a scratch except they snapped my ankle in midair…so I know from experience they have this,,,can they grab each other and do a mind link,,, well I know they can put thoughts in my head,,, I know in DC they used this for a covert, person to person communication device,,,no paper or electronic trail, so I was told.I know my daughter Danielle and I both got hit at the same time with a message pulse from a perp , from Danny Luz house,, I believe it was Tony, and we both turned toward the direction and said the exact same words to each other…Start the car,, the perps had fixed my car that night., why I do not know, They did stuff like this all the time,,,
This I believe is Woody Norris’s device,, HSS, hypersonicsilent sound device.23 march 03,, NYT MAGAZINE archive,,,THE SOUND OF THINGS TO COME,,, it was used at the MFA in Boston for a display and you stepped into the beam and heard one music,,, stepped out of the beam and heard another,,,so if they can send music,, they can send words,,, to your head,,, only you heard it,,, anyway this may help with the puzzle of what HZ goes where and what it does, I tend to believe that because the frequency of our body is very low,,, we are not a GHZ endowed animal,, no matter what we do…higher could be for other uses,,, like killing cancer cells or any cell really,, as long as you know its resonance… Resonance is what makes up the universe,,, Soo god is a vibration,,,,lol