Already it is stressful,,, the gremlins at work,,, I was told that James is not wanted in Peabody,,, last summer the son's of Stacia came to clean out her house...she is no longer staying the summer here and for that I am glad,, they decided to keep the house for a summer home,,, for one of her sons..
I introduced myself and asked if I could take some of the stuff they had put out in the yard for disposable, the son told me to take whatever I wanted so I did,,, some dishes,I love them,,, I use the all the time,, and a hose and some other stuff... anyway,,, someone a woman was speaking to them on the other side of the house,,, and she was talking about James,,, she told them he was a thief and I think it was LeGault,,,
lots of pulsing from their house all the time...The father died,,, he being a staunch Catholic, hating me because I am an Atheist. I think they used his insurance money to build up the house and I think Matt? moved in with wife and child... I think the old lady lives their to.. Anyway I think she was the one who told them about James. So this summer when they come back I will question staccias sons about it,,, and see what they say,,
James had a fight with his mother,, rather she flipped out on him as is her usual...and he left, to go to Lynn this follows with what I was told,, V2K,, that this person ? Does not want James in Peabody. At all. so they drive him to make him homeless....they have been working on Kelly and Bud,,, He can't keep a job or couldn't because of his drug habit,,, and since he has given that up he can't find a job.
The regulations for human experimentation has come up for reevaluation and I have been sending in several comments.. I don't give a shit what they think,,, I wrote this morning the names of those responsible for this terrorism,,,I also told them the story of Torigian, Eastman Gelatin, Crowningshield et. al. terrorism is targeting and targeting is terrorism..
James is on his way over here to pick up a few dollars to go to Lynn with his dad.
I think Eastman Gelatin gave a sum of money to Torigian so they could build this golf course over this toxic dump,,, upstream from our water supple,, and the bad thing about that is that toxic dumps tend to move...Our water supply is downhill from the dump and years ago there was a cancer cluster in this area.. so now because of all of this,,, I suffer , my family suffers for their corrupt actions.
James was stopped in the cemetery by this kid name of Matt Rosa and Jeff Aulson, i guess Matt was up for manslaughter james let him frisk him he said he carried a gun, and had murdered someone...
,, who stopped and told him he was working for the feds and started to frisk him, looking for drugs..., james called the cops on him..hes been clean and has a plan to get his life back on track and I am glad to hear it,, the most positive speech he has made, thee is hope yet.
Cherie Rathbun who is related to Chris, Jillians boyfriend was told and his father was told, stories about me , how crazy I was,, she is also responsible for David Diachisiion success in court as she is her and there with her nasty gossipy tongue,,
when we were friendly, she had a visitor who seemed like he was friends with her, I gave him some money for a task,, and had not heard from him in a while,,,,this was all done through cherie,,, as I said it was quite a while,, not hearing from him,,, so I gave her a sealed letter with his name on it,,, She blatantly opened it,,,and came out screaming, as I made some comments about jews and how they are money orientated and cheaters and asked him if he was one... She should not of opened the letter , since them our relationship went downhill, so now they the local neighborhood watch group has set their eyes on James,, as revenge to me.
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