I’m not writing this because I want to ,,,but out of desperation. I have asked several times for Rick and Laura Nelson to leave me alone to forget I exist. Being attacked by high tech pulsed devices is not conducive to health.
I came here in 85, my father lived here otherwise I would of never settled here. But he did and I chose to be near him in his last years. When I moved here from Ca. the water out of our faucet was brown, foamy, and stinky as I’m sure some of you remember. I was horrified. I came from San Diego where our water was pristine, I could neither drink, bath, or wash clothes in Peabody’s water for ten years before I decided to speak out , Building the golf course on our watershed was the last straw.
When I found out a a golf course was going to be built on our watershed I was horrified, alarmed and very concerned. I had made friends with another woman who also was concerned, we felt it was our DUTY AND OUR RIGHT to speak out .
I knew the golf course was going to be built no matter what we said. I was trying to start a 501-3c to buy this land and bequeath it to the people of Peabody as open space for all time. This was my intent. but a golf course on open space was more important to the powers that be. .
I set up a meeting for myself and my colleague and I said three words at the meeting, I neither threatened nor in any way caused harm to Peter Torigian, nor to his family, but he threatened me. Two weeks later my harassment began through Stuart Cumins, my HUD landlord and friend fo Peter. I lost everything, job, apartment, standing in the community , maligned, oh yes Eastman Gelatin was involved as well. They owned a third of the land at that time. I knew someone else owned part of it but did not know who, I was trying to find out who at the meeting so I could approach them to buy the land.
I was forced homeless for several years, living on relatives property to survive. My life since being put on this targeted program has been hell. Pulsed by drive-bys. Manipulated by mind control. constantly hurt and maligned it has been 24 years of shit.
After Peter died his daughter Laura took up the banner and her and Rick her husband ,continued the harassment. , not only going after me but the age old tactic of going after my family as manipulation.
My crime was speaking out as I still do to this day against the surveillance state that is continually being imposed on us.. Ripping to shreds our freedoms, and our Constitution, Warning people of the horrific control these devices can have over the destruction of lives. My crime was not anything I did, but the fact that I spoke out about what Torigian and his family did to me and mine, that was the crime, the harassment, the destruction of my life, the maligning of my reputation, theft, homelessness, that was the crime. Torigian also used his power to destroy or attempt to destroy others lives. Trovas and Grelish comes to mind. One for Torigian’s legacy, the other an attempt by Torigian to shut up the press. Censorship. If your in the public arena you must expect scrutiny and criticism , not censorship. That is the press’s NO.1, job to inform the public, not only of the good things, but when the ship of state is leaning/tipping to far to one side , as it is doing today. Leaning to an invasion of privacy never before seen in the world/country by high tech devices, rational, is terrorism, but in reality it IS CONTROL, manipulation, Destroying our freedom’s, all to keep us safe. My question, who is the terrorist? And safe from who?
It wasn’t that I committed a crime, it was their attempt to cover their crime up and I’ve paid dearly and continue to pay dearly for their crimes, speaking out is NOT a crime!.
It wasn’t that I was doing anything wrong it was taking my story public that offended the powers that be. Letting others know what gov’t is capable of doing to people’s lives,,,as it is doing today against many many other people as well and it will continue till everyone is profiled, even you.
That is what Snowden said and Bill Binney,,NSA whistleblower, everyone will be profiled. (Google MIT, ACLU, Binney),The harassment continues as I saw from your gathering of firemen as I exited the restaurant for my breakfast.
I offer you no threat, I did not burn down the treatment plant.
As it was stated to me by a water treatment plant official it was bird poop and high intensity halogen lights. I did nothing, nor anyone I know did anything.
I want my targeting to stop. I want my family left alone. I have surmised that the reason I am blamed is to give rational to the local responders so they can acquire more high tech devices and also give they(you ) a rational,, a reason for living, for existence of your jobs.For more invasive high tech devices. . I want this targeting to stop. I did nothing to no one except speak out, (I think I said three words at the meeting) because of dirty water. I hope this treatise makes sense if not ,,,ask away.
I do not blame Peter ,after all what is more important to a politician than his legacy after he is gone. It’s all he has left. The golf course is a big part of that legacy. Our watershed was to invisible.
I offer no harm to Laura as I was warned if anything happens to her I shall be blamed, (using V2K,) well the same goes for them, if anything happens to my family,, Anything that I even suspect that they are responsible, they will be blamed. We can both wear those shoes. As I have long said, I offer them no harm but I want others to know both sides of the story. MY STORY, not theirs, but mine. I am caught in this web of harm, and cannot get out,, every time it stopped the Torigians made sure it continues. I want it stopped.
This message is for Rick the dick head,, I saw you at the firehouse door with your little organized gang of fire house pussys,,,who turned and ran,,, what a bunch. your organized gang,, I thought it so funny and then the next day you all drove down in your big fire truck and parked under my window letting me know you were there,, your a bunch of pussies. , no neck and no balls.
Just like you and your wife drove by my daughter’s house pulsing it all the time in your silver van on your way to work, not man enough to get out and confront me face to face.. your a slime ball. Son in law of another slime ball, horse face harry,,, One thing I always was puzzled about ,, Peter the horse face,, never mentioned the water treatment plant was in the plans or being built,,,not once did he mention it to me.. I thought that could of alleviated my concern,, maybe.? But he never did. He was such a coward too as he threatened me, he immediately turned around and RAN AT TOP SPEED DOWN THE CORRIDOR, Coat tails flapping in his breeze, Maybe he thought I was going to attack him or something,,,or maybe he wasn’t man enough,,, like you to face me. I should of , I should of rung his neck then for all the harm he and his family has done to me and mine,,, I’m not afraid of you and your high tech bullshit,, I know you can still cause a lot of harm to my family, so be it,, but just remember “WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND”, MAYBE NOT TODAY, OR TOMORROW BUT IT WILL COME.
You owe me much and it will not be forgotten. I may not live to see it, but it will come your way and when it does you’ll know it.. I promise. you, you little scum bag for every fucking pulse you hit me with, and all your friends, your organized St. Annes friends ,,,and tell your firehouse cowards of a organized gang I said HI, Fuck you all.
I hope you all have a safe and Happy Holiday 🎄 as I hope the same for mine.
Barbara Guillette