13 Jan. 2022
Sent to Kate Mcguire ,,,my landlady.
At this time I am being hit in the back of the head by sonic bullets, from Justin Michaud, John and Stephanie, and Angela, at this time I do not know if Mike lane is involved, but three days before Aldana died I walked across the street and Mike hit me with a pulse, he then hustled Aldana and himself inside. it was dark I did not even know they were there. except after the pulse from his direct direction. the next day Aldana came over to visit Judy Silva and she stated loudly in the hall, "I don't have any of these weapons. Mike does."
The next day she died. sorry to say. I believe as I told you before that Aldana was bing used as the tip of the sword for my organized harassment. .Initiated by John with the help of Judy Silva…As you probably know Diabetic have to keep their system at an even keel and ever since Judy entered the fray she has used Aldana as her front man. I believe contributing to her death , this is only my opinion as far as events I watched amongst all of the individuals .
I notified the police about this and since death is a common thing here, it is no big deal, Is it. ?
As I said I am being hit in the brain stem and my skull with sonic bullets. I was told this was to cripple me like Aldana, the wrinkles on my face pulsed and the label I am vain, is used to justify the wrinkles these pulses can cause. Amongst other issues, as I stated to many , these devices can mock any medical and physical,, mental problem, cause them in other words to the target, John used the excuse that I brought these weapons here, I did not Ebsco was already here training their people to follow the WEF philosophy. global, Have you seen Klaus Schwab's sons name on the huge building as you drive into Market St mall , it is huge at least I gave him some class for not putting his picture up like Hitler or Mao. etc, I warned Aldana through mike that Judy was using her as tip of the spear, and she let me know that she received the message and either did not believe me or chose not too follow through.
I tried.. I did not hate Aldana, I felt bad for her, I told her I was going to try and correct her back problem but died before I could relent. Such is life, so please tell moron and moron 2 to stop pulsing me with sonic bullets. Every one in the past who has attacked me has ended up dead. Maybe now people will believe me.
Barbara Guillette
I spoke with Dan Holloway Ipswich Police, and told him about Aldana's death, and the weapons, asked him if I should continue my case he said yes.
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