in June I went to Corliss landscaper and was heavily pulsed, projectile vomiting and almost passed out these pulses seem to throw your system in one of incapacitation. You cannot function, ,some man wrapped his arm around me and held me close otherwise I think I would of fallen. I had a hard time speaking and kept my eyes tightly shut, I walked to the gurney with assistance and do not remember getting on. I do remember taking the intervienous just traveling, The EmT asked me a question. He asked if I was faking, I sent a FOIA to them ,, they sent a release, the other night I was being pulsed from Pleasant st near 8 Pleasant St. I took a video it was an ambulance. . I received a phone call from the ambulance service at 1515 today. asking about my fee he sounded real angry and anxious. They sent a form to fill out and I received it last sat? thereabouts, so I called and spoke with them today reassuring them they would get their money I just wanted information about the ride and what is the actions when someone is completely normal baseline. I told the EMT it was pot at that point he took all the aids off me .
. I did not want to go into the pulsed info as that causes more problems from the medial organizations, they refuse to acknowledge the weapons and use and effects, etc. I was surprised to learn that the ambulances are equipped with these devices ad will harass people as they harassed me the other morning.
All information about being a target is denied not only by the medical who call you mentally ill, but from the govt. who denies it as well, The govt allowed many innocent people to be put under this targeted program to keep the program going. I didn't realize at the time that all citizens will be under this targeting program via information that Snowden released.
There are plenty of terrorists that are in this country now with the border being opened to all. The Chinese police in Chinese hidden police stations terrorizing Chinese asylum seekers, Spread out around the country I have also read the Mexican cartels who are spreading out ,,are under the control of the Chinese in this country.
I just read that 200 Muslims have entered illegally and the Govt caught 20... seems like they have a lot to do and should let those of us who are innocent go. but they don't. I believe it is because they want everybody be either dead or under this program of intense surveillance . I bought many copies of the Nuremberg Code and with the Cato Declaration of Independence, passed them out in Ipswich, a town I have come to care for greatly. Trying to get them to fight back in any way they can from great all inclusive tyranny.
When I first moved here walking up Washington St. in the snow ,the small car with bright green lettering from the Peabody City Hall treatment plant drove by me they are still active with me. Lately here in Sept 23 they have revealed themselves again. I was told by them whomever did it used v2K so I have no knowledge of who really said it, that I would be forced homeless which they already did, go live under a bridge and commit suicide. Not going to do that. I refuse to move.
I have started to swim at the local Y, many old ladies are enjoying it, Including me I went today for the second time, the first time I swam 10 laps. slowly , Today I did 12, and swam a couple of those laps all the length of the pool. it was wonderful. I was in the locker room and this woman sat and we started to talk and she said she was a school teacher and as I left stated to another women she was going to Peabody to have her hair cut, we also introduced ourselves she said her name was Caroline. so that is code words, Caroline, Peabody school teacher, Laura Torigian Nelson , Peter the thugs daughter from Peabody was a school teacher , was this message from her? who knows. the weirdos who run this program through the fusion centers like to play computer games to entertain themselves they think they are funny and must be bored stiff. To destroy peoples lives as they are doing. Peter was well hated in Peabody and many things he did his name was erased. When I openly apposed him many people came out of the woods, gas stations, and local homes to cheer me on . He was well hated and if this is from his daughter I wish her dead too. She is just as mean and nasty as him, I can well attest to that.
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