I lived in a HUD apt. loved my apt. What I did not know is that HUD had been changed to a police state,,,this was a criticism made by Mario? Or Andrew? Cuomo, about Susan Gaffney who ran HUD,, that she had changed HUD into a police state.
I did not know living in a HUD builidng, that HUD had considered, dissidents and activists, that had been profiled by psychiatrists, as vermin. To be gotten rid of, HUD in 99 when all this happened had acoustic and other DEW at that time. Configured by maintenance and carried out by maintenance as boots on the ground.
If you want to know all about HUD,, a good person to inquire to is Catherine Austin Fitts who also has a website. she did an expose on HUD and was targeted, they asked her to come back.. I do not know what happened after that but I think she is independent at this time,I believe her targeting stopped,,why or how,,I do not know, , but check that out if you wish. Update me. I met Catherine Austin Fitts through the internet, I'm sure the emails are somewhere,, she enlisted me to paint her
house and move her, so she told me where she lived and I went to her house and broke it down for her.
What a nice sweet town she lived in,, I loved it there, I cannot remember the name it does escape me,,,I am surprised I remember as much as I do, after what I have been through. So bear with me,,, I took her house apart , all except one bed, I could not take it apart. I was doing this more or less for super cheap,, my perps knew it , they made me leave after I found the money she had left for me.300 dollars, my perps felt I had fulfilled the amount and it was a lot of work,. I had finished my work,,, it got to be night and I was alone and scared,,so I left..
I felt safer on the road, and I know if CAF reads this and I know she who was targeted that she will understand,, my perp did not want me there. They made me leave,,,and fucking beat me,, beat me all the way out of the fucking state to ensure I would not feel guilty and go back which they knew I would do. I do not steal and this was to close for my conscious to suffer, I would of gone back but was prevented from doing so. My perps felt my worth was more than offered and they were right,,,I was worth more than offered. Even though I did pack all day.
When I lived at 50 Warren st. Peabody , Ma. we had flower boxes built into our apt. building,, full of debris, never cared for,, I thought I would put some flowers in the beds, I told my assistant landlord about this and her reaction was very hostile,,, I was surprised,,free flowers to make our building better the office always looked like a million bucks but our building right next door always looked dirty and dumpy, so I decided to take out a petition to have flowers planted, so I took my little clipboard and went to see if anyone would sign,,not one person signed but I did have one strange reaction from one women , a warning,, she curled her finger over my clipboard and said,,I quote"Bad things happen to people who do this", my reaction was,,,hey "I live in the US. of A what could happen to me",, little did I know I had given myself away, profiled by the shrinks as a dissident and an activist,, a petition is a signature of a dissident and activist, I did not know that,,, but they did.. profiled and slotted.
HUD had a program Operation Safe Home ,,I do not know if it is ongoing, but it is local , state and fed police that raid big housing projects for rapists, killers , drug dealers and so on. After the raid is over the landlord and staff , including maintenance can alert everyone to tenants who show signs of the above,, also violence is on the list, drug dealing , etc.
This program was affiliated with the medical institutions. Here is how it worked ,,pretty simple really. Anyone put on this list was forced into hospital with DEW,,directed energy weapons,, this alerted the hospitals as to who these people were. The person was then forced into a locked down ward and evaluated for violent tendencies,, and diagnosed, as with all shrinks they of course would find something wrong with you even if you were normal. that is why when I was evaluated for violence at MGH in Boston by a doctor,,shrink name of Allan Walcott, his job, a gov't job was to fly around the country at taxpayer expense evaluating people for violent tendencies,,
gee they missed Sandyhook,Virginia tech and others,,gee guess they were looking in the wrong direction,,, I was female tiny, older , scared shitless , and shooter are generally young, male, white and middle class, upper middle,, oh excuse me Virginia tech was oriental. Seems like they didn't know where to look. Fucking assholes.. Stupid fucking assholes. The experience in the emergency room was so fun,,,, I think I will save that for another blog post, this was the method used. A dumping ground for HUD and all HUD's buddies.
I was found low violent,, Walcott was wrong I am in reality a non violent person,, but anyone you abuse enough, you hurt them enough, you can change that someone into a very very nasty person..
( Some men must of been really beaten as children to turn them into women beaters as they do, but it is sex,,you intimidate, you subjugate , next time sex is easier, without to much trouble,, it's all a mind game.. sex as the great driver. Oppression and subjugation for women has always been part of our lifes for all of our history,
Many in our community believe that the killing of all those children at the school Sandyhook, was done by gov't. in order to be able to confiscate weapons,,, I have no belief in this , I put it away till proof is established.)
Many in our community believe that the killing of all those children at the school Sandyhook, was done by gov't. in order to be able to confiscate weapons,,, I have no belief in this , I put it away till proof is established.)
When your name is put on this HUD program for whatever reason,, you are monitored, outpatient is cheaper than inpatient. This is how I ended up as a targeted individual,, through HUD , through Torigian. My landlord was BF with Torigian, you know the good old boy network, Torigian used this as a dumping ground for anyone he wanted, and I wonder how many he went after, before me,,, I heard rumors he did this to some cops , maybe this is why he was in office for years,,, 23,, till he died.
When I was in the meeting with Torigian, he asked me where I lived, so I told him 50 Warren St. a huge HUD complex , when he heard my response, he gave off with a very strange reaction,,, doing a long multi noted OOOOOOOOOOO, very strange for a grown man but he was not the most mature man I have ever met. I think it was a verbal wringing of his hands in glee because he knew exactly what he could do and the people who would do it for him.
Scott Burns is my next subject and Danny McKenna also.
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