I lost years of life, money, apt. job,,, happiness, security, friends, relatives, credibility, function in life,,time with my grandchildren productive years at work. Many productive years at work, ,
I shall add to the list as other things occur to me.
I had hoped in my older mature adult years that I would be a mature member of this tribe I call the human race, respected for my insight and years of wisdom,, seems like no one cares. I think the wisdom I have experienced is important. The trauma has sidetracked that image of myself. That secure
image of myself in my life,,, they swept that all away..
I lost my job,, here is how it happened, I was being severely sleep deprived,,all Ti's it seems start with this, it softens up the target. I was targeted , even though the term had not been invented for us yet.
I was so sleep deprived, I was a walking zombie this also gives the appearance if you are dizzy, disorientated, disheveled. I was a mess. I remember I needed sleep so bad , I thought I could do this to escape. I went to my work having a key, I always opened in the morning, so this Sunday I drove there and went in and grabbed someones coat and fell asleep.
Scott Burns had followed me there, I saw him turn around in the parking lot and leave.. I slept almost all day, until El came in to do some work on Sunday, she was kinda upset so I left..I was exhausted, but that was just enough sleep for me to recover from the passed out state I was in.
Scott Burns who was employed by Eastman gelatin came back and let me know he was there. Who was I going to tell, who would help me, no one, and they knew it.
He was out front in all jeans,, jacket, pants,,tall thin good looking, he stood in front of the beauty parlor and was looking through to the back of it. I was going to the bank as was my habit during lunch, I recognized him. The back door to all the shops was left open during the day, I think he gained entrance that way, we also had this wicked tall ladder that went right to the ceiling in this hallway for the workmen. He found out somehow we only had an alarm in the front the back was not alarmed. He went up the ladder and into the clinic, he turned open all the aspirators in all the rooms, so that when you turned on our compressor, a huge compressor it sounded like a jet engine going off and caught El's and my attention, for we knew all would be shut off before the compressor was shut down ,,scared the shit out of us.. I knew he was sabotaging my work and he used to use frequencies through the wall as I worked. After a time I got so stressed, still sleep deprived, apt. invasion , car sabotaged,,,it was just stressing me out everywhere I went as it was meant to do..It worked.
I quit, but as with anything after all this, I think this was mind controlled as well..I also knew with the entrance of the office and the compressor that things for my boss would get very bad , in order to get me to quit, on some level I knew that would happen. I loved my boss and quit so I would not have to put her and the others through the harassment I had been subjected too, I knew Burns and co. was capable of . I want to make sure people whose read this understand I loved my job I would of never left it, loved my boss and even though I used the term quit , I was FORCED to leave, constant harassment, DEW, and Scott Burns constant presence. I want to say this again I was forced, FORCED to leave my job by Scott Burns without a doubt , he's the same asshole who followede to the Grand Canyon, and he is now 12 Nov 14 he has been in this neighborhood for three days visiting frank Anderson , cherie Rathbuns , and david Diachision staying at each house for a very long time.
I loved my job and would of never quit, I finally found a boss I had an allegiance to..I loved her she was Chinese and was very good to us. She even asked me back after I quit. I worked hard for her and I was good at my job, not only for me, but for her, I wanted to become a manager. I thought maybe I could under her. I worked as a temp for a while, then stopped doing that, I let my license elapse,, mind controlled. I was put on disability because basically I was disabled,, I was a total mess.
This was not going away, I tried everything and nothing worked to make them stop,,NOTHING. It is ongoing today. I am in a program, you cannot fight it, it is covert, you cannot fight covert. It does not exist. If you do not talk about it, it does not exist, that is what the perps (perpetrators) say, and lots of TI's know this, this is why we have to speak out,,all the time especially now that our numbers are increasing exponentially for families are targeted.
This is how you dismantle a life piece by piece.
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