We are under the assumption that we live under the rule of law, and we did, up until the gov't in it's thirst for power explored the power of electronic weaponry, I guess we can give Tesla the credit for that. These weapons undermine that rule because the gov't requested that DENIABILITY be built in., and it is. That means we cannot prove the use of these weapons and the person using them can deny all involvement. Thereby creating great crimes and no accountability. The judicial system is moot.
To prove the horrific pulsing beating I took the other night, or to prove the constant tiny white light that is pure energy that comes through my wall and hits me in the mouth, causing great pain all day and night, in the same spot and follows me throughout the room. Constantly hitting me, an active cattle prod, an invisible host.
I would say that is hard to prove,,this is the second time they broke my front tooth,,no. 7, the tooth is targeted because I am a dental hygienist. To have a broken front tooth, well that is unconscionable for me and they know it, it is all a psychological game. Fun to them. I can hardly wait till it turns on them for it will , just like we have invented our drones for the theatre of war and now we do not know what to do with them,,so we are turning them on ourselves.
de Tocqueville stated this very well in his book,,, Democracy in America,,, when he named it "THE TWO SIDES OF THE REVOLUTION" we kill those in front of us and fear and kill those behind us. Now we have drones coming to our homeland and they will be everywhere. At first I thought they would be unarmed, then a couple of weeks later I heard Diane Feinstein mention armed drones, no discussion, no debate with the public, just all of a sudden armed drones in our skies. just a little reminder of what is going on, then the conversation escalated to , how many and where. For the farmers benefit, or maybe Monsanto? Who knows?
The police will be outsourced to lower paying security companies, low pensions, low pay, low paid holidays,,,maybe there is justice in this world after all. Maybe this is your payback for the 9/11 holiday greed, when your neighbors were in a panic for losing their homes.
For revenge comes in many forms, does it not?
As will the meter readers when they they bring in smart meters to all the towns, good old David Diachisin, technology will take your job, I hope, many jobs will be gone and homes will be able to be monitored through the smart meters, you can tell a lot about a home through electrical consumption. Just like the gov't wanted all medical files to be on computer,,no warrant needed if you can go through the back door, adjust meds or do anything wished. Just like the police took the picture off my laptop as I watched, they said" a person of interest" no warrant, nothing just zip gone. They informed me v2k. Who could I tell?
I hear many towns are refusing smart meters and we shall see how long they last and how the gov't will sneak them through. As the gov't can and will , I saw it done not to long ago in this town, of Peabody Ma. they did it with the 9/11 paid holiday the police requested and everyone protested, the mayor , then Bonfanti snuck it through 3 months later. Lots of people were losing their houses including us to foreclosure. That is why I wrote the 9/11 letter and why the police threw me through the air causing great bodily harm, that was their revenge for that letter. Bonfanti and the cops didn't mind increasing the tax burden for everyone.
Bonfanti didn't give a shit, he left.
I have had HSS used on me, that is the real name for v2k,,voice to skull transmission of voice, video, commands, triggers, basically any communication you wish, can be transmitted this way, I have heard in DC this is used between individuals who wish to speak anonymously or privately. No email, no letter, no call, no trace. I believe this can be taped if wanted.
I have had real conversations with the individuals on the other line. Our police have this device and use it all the time, riding around town telling people to put on their seat belts, they have pulsed me with it and said hi, and I believe and know the pulse of this device itself can be used as a weapon. All by itself. This has not been used audibly on me in years, only once in a while I will hear a word by accident, they set triggers all the time , so it is used mainly while I sleep, but the other night while I was beaten, after it was done, the male said" GOOD" then I feel asleep exhausted and they woke me up by saying my name, again the male voice, first time that v2k has been audible in a long time.
I accused Chris Yaikus across the street, neighbor of mine, of cutting down trees around our lake part of our watershed, he did not do it but had his stupid neighbor Jeremiah Rathbone do it for him, Jeremiah was sucking up to tough guy Chris and had already cleared the area in back of his house around the lake and was extending it to include Chris's view. Chris's stepson has also been responsible for pulsing my house, every morning as he got ready for school , he would jump the little 4 foot fence and pulse me from between cheries's house and garage, I always got up and went on the back road and no one was ever there. The son just hoped his little fence and went in his back door, this happened all the time. Until one morning I saw the son via my camera and he had on a distinct black and white outfit, I got up and went outside and just as I did the son and father came out their front door , the father was giving the son a ride to the school bus stop and the son had on the exact same black and white distinct outfit.
I knew exactly what was going on, so Jeremiah started to cut trees down to give Chris his view unobstructed, , as he did in the past,,huge trees,,not little saplings but trees you could not get your arms around.. I wrote a letter about this and evidently the cops got it, and v2k transmission asked me questions. One question is , "Did I see Chris Yaikus cut down the trees", and I had to answer no, for he did not, I did not see him. but I knew what Jeremiah and David Diachisin our stupid meter reader who works for the city did, I have seen them. Usually Sunday evenings. They use an electric/gas chainsaw.
So let us get back to the rule of law,,,the judges and everyone else involved with the rule of law is undermining their jobs, their occupations with this v2k,, the court system now is just a fallacy. Many many crimes have been carried out with this technology. Especially if it it linked with the use of back scatter cameras, you know the see through the wall camera,, it is used at airports and a wand is to replace the big walk through things. Same technology,,sees through walls , you can be tracked and targeted in your home with this technology and then lasered, pulsed or microwaved or the pulse from the v2k can nail you as you sit or do anything.
I hear many people are being subjected to increased harassment, and I am glad, the more the better the easier for me to prove the use of. So we no longer have the rule of law in this country , we now have the rule of man, that is why many TI's are tortured, abused, robbed, harassed, and in general have their lives torn apart. The people who use these devices are local and boots on the ground, and has I have stated in one other post , this has come down to the local level via the mayors. The local employees and others torture us and feel it is fun, wait,, wait, till it hits them and it will, I promise.
Whistleblowers are also part of this, I was an activist, dissident and HUD's shrinks had profiled me long before I was on the scene, HUD thought of them as vermin. They knew what I was long before I did.
I blew the whistle on Torigian mayor at the time, he wanted that golf course built at any price, so didn't Eastman Gelatin, that toxic dump to be buried was important to both. One for a legacy the other to save them millions if not billions in clean up. I wonder if there was a kickback there somewhere,,one wonders.
I know Carnavale ,,Torigian's other son in law, who also had a cushy job, like Rick Nelson, married to another daughter, deputy fire chief,, was caught stealing railroad tracks or the wood railroad ties, and taking them to Boston to recycle. No trial, nothing, he was just let go. He went to Iraq and set up mash units. His wife , Jean Carnavale is Torigian's daughter, he had 5 daughters, must of been a crush to his ego, just producing girls, Jean now works for our present mayor Bettencourt, as head of the treasury. I got a big laugh out of that , wondering if Carnavale was home trying to figure out how to steal from the treasury and not get caught.
Before Jean's father died, Torigian wanted and set up a meeting with me, it was just to freaky for me,,I left fearing some sort of a set up. I called her one time at city hall by mistake and realized who I was speaking to, I asked her about the meeting and asked her if she knew what her father wanted, she said no, and I said we should have coffee someday to have a chat. I have not heard form her. Oh well.
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