This family has enormous power in this town. I guess once you are a perp. Your always in the club. The big issue perps are now on my trail once again because of Laura Nelson and this all started with her father. Peter the prick Torigian ,, you know the guy who criminally harassed me until I lost my apt. Job and credibility in my community . More to come need coffee.
The mentally ill are abused by the perps also with DEW. That I'm sorry to hear you are getting hit so hard. I wish I could give you some good legal advice..!! I hope you can get in touch with Levi, he may have some suggestions. I know you have a lot of info to back up your claims, I hope the judge is ready to learn something new and not have his head so far up his ass he can't see the big picture!!!!is what Ti's are considered. Mentally Ill.
I'm sorry to hear you are getting hit so hard. I wish I could give you some good legal advice..!! I hope you can get in touch with Levi, he may have some suggestions. I know you have a lot of info to back up your claims, I hope the judge is ready to learn something new and not have his head so far up his ass he can't see the big picture!!!!
A message from another ti
The story of Barbara Guillette in real time of Directed Energy attacks on innocent people the sustainability=depopulation,Agenda 30 pre-aging imposed murder /suicide, silent holocaust program using community based agents out of the Fusion centers. The silent standing army of directed energy weapons ready at a moments notice paid by tax payers money to carry out the assaults're next.I am going public others have to be aware of what govt is really doing secretly to citizens.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
yesterday I heard one word,,,"fuck" later I heard the words,,,"fucking whore"this was done with v2k/or HSS I don't' know which one they are using..but it was plain and simple,,,evidently this seems like a bad name to call me,,,how funny I think it is hysterical when a man calls a woman a whore,,or better yet a fucking whore,,,I mean isn't that what whores are supposed to do,,,?Fuck? for them, the men that is,,,men are so stupid and self centered,,they even fool themselves into thinking a whore would enjoy their sexual advances,,,believe me guys if not for the money you would not get laid,,,,bottom line,,so to even think you are mr, wonderful,,,well get that right out of your head and the only thing about it the man objects to is he has to pay for it,,,
that is really a psychological neck is being hit again,,,and it is so painful and stiff that should make the perps happy,,
I have not spoken to my daughter since our argument,,,and I do not plan on ever speaking to her again...she thinks she is on the winning side,,,guess again,,I feel sorry for all of us that we have to go through this,,these devices show the worst side of men and women,,,the very worst side,,,and destroys others lives..
that is really a psychological neck is being hit again,,,and it is so painful and stiff that should make the perps happy,,
I have not spoken to my daughter since our argument,,,and I do not plan on ever speaking to her again...she thinks she is on the winning side,,,guess again,,I feel sorry for all of us that we have to go through this,,these devices show the worst side of men and women,,,the very worst side,,,and destroys others lives..
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Tony Lutz
tony lutz was raised in tanners court a tall good looking boy,,,he joined the military and moved back to the courts after....
When Danielle and I were out front and they fixed my car,,,we were directed to go out front and start it up,,,Danielle was in the line of fire and caught the subliminal suggestion to start it up also,,we both spoke out at the exact same moment,, " start it up " so I did,then we both turned and looked back at Tony Lutz's window,,,stared a few moments,,,,this happened early on my criminal harassment,,, he was also the one who shot me through the heart,,and I felt my heart start to quiver,,,it did straighten out after a few seconds,,but I thought I was a goner with that one,,,I had to sit down on the curb to recover and when I could walk again I went home,,,I think,,not sure about that I know I was waiting for a ride somewhere......Tony from what I understand is now in a wheel chair having fallen off a roof onto a curb and breaking his back,,,,I am not responsible for this,,,everyone has a choice and i have found those that hurt me,,,suffer for it,,,for some reason their lives turn to takes time but karma does catch up with them ,,maybe because of their actions,,this is a real thing in their lives,,,not mine.. I never try to hurt anyone, and violence is not my nature,,it bothers me to think of hurting someone and I cannot go to that area,,I find it very distasteful to even think about it,,,well not always I get a warm glow to think I could do something violent,,,,but thats as far as it goes,,,,I will protect myself...that I will do and have done..Donald got popped in the eye, when he grabbed me drunkenly around the bathrobe and ripped it picking pregnant me up by the throat,,,I have no recollection of hitting me,,,a blank,,,I have tried to recall the moment and no matter what I do cannot...I guess I did it though he danced around the room yelling "she hit me in the eye" She hit me in the eye" covering his eye with both hands...He never touched me again,,,him dancing around the room is so funny,,,even today I laugh about ti,,,,,,bad move to fuck with someone who is pregnant,,,nothing more dangerous than a pregnant woman with cub,,,I waited five fucking years for this baby,,,nothing was gonna stop me,,from having it,,,it was even longer because Donald and I never used birth control,,,all the time I were dating ,,five years before we got married,,,,I expected too and a couple of time I was late,,,,,,but not until 1969,,,a magical year for all,,, did I get pregnant,,,snowstorms did it,,,two huge snowstorms,,, one at the beginning of the week the other at the end,,,oh yeah this winter is to be bitter cold all winter,,,,,fuck I was so enjoying the mild winters,,,,it was great while it lasted...I better put some money away for oil,,,,
so tony ended up in a wheel chair,,, that is pretty bad,,,,Frazier stopped the pulsing to my house,,when I was told the cops went over to ask him about it,,,,this is from Dick Jarvis on you make the call,,cctv,,,he was the one I home,,,,so Fraser stopped and I do not think ever did it again, but the guy behind him did and I looked up his name and address and forgot it,,,but he is military,,,,his house can be seen through Frazier right side yard,,,on MacArthur circle...
When Danielle and I were out front and they fixed my car,,,we were directed to go out front and start it up,,,Danielle was in the line of fire and caught the subliminal suggestion to start it up also,,we both spoke out at the exact same moment,, " start it up " so I did,then we both turned and looked back at Tony Lutz's window,,,stared a few moments,,,,this happened early on my criminal harassment,,, he was also the one who shot me through the heart,,and I felt my heart start to quiver,,,it did straighten out after a few seconds,,but I thought I was a goner with that one,,,I had to sit down on the curb to recover and when I could walk again I went home,,,I think,,not sure about that I know I was waiting for a ride somewhere......Tony from what I understand is now in a wheel chair having fallen off a roof onto a curb and breaking his back,,,,I am not responsible for this,,,everyone has a choice and i have found those that hurt me,,,suffer for it,,,for some reason their lives turn to takes time but karma does catch up with them ,,maybe because of their actions,,this is a real thing in their lives,,,not mine.. I never try to hurt anyone, and violence is not my nature,,it bothers me to think of hurting someone and I cannot go to that area,,I find it very distasteful to even think about it,,,well not always I get a warm glow to think I could do something violent,,,,but thats as far as it goes,,,,I will protect myself...that I will do and have done..Donald got popped in the eye, when he grabbed me drunkenly around the bathrobe and ripped it picking pregnant me up by the throat,,,I have no recollection of hitting me,,,a blank,,,I have tried to recall the moment and no matter what I do cannot...I guess I did it though he danced around the room yelling "she hit me in the eye" She hit me in the eye" covering his eye with both hands...He never touched me again,,,him dancing around the room is so funny,,,even today I laugh about ti,,,,,,bad move to fuck with someone who is pregnant,,,nothing more dangerous than a pregnant woman with cub,,,I waited five fucking years for this baby,,,nothing was gonna stop me,,from having it,,,it was even longer because Donald and I never used birth control,,,all the time I were dating ,,five years before we got married,,,,I expected too and a couple of time I was late,,,,,,but not until 1969,,,a magical year for all,,, did I get pregnant,,,snowstorms did it,,,two huge snowstorms,,, one at the beginning of the week the other at the end,,,oh yeah this winter is to be bitter cold all winter,,,,,fuck I was so enjoying the mild winters,,,,it was great while it lasted...I better put some money away for oil,,,,
so tony ended up in a wheel chair,,, that is pretty bad,,,,Frazier stopped the pulsing to my house,,when I was told the cops went over to ask him about it,,,,this is from Dick Jarvis on you make the call,,cctv,,,he was the one I home,,,,so Fraser stopped and I do not think ever did it again, but the guy behind him did and I looked up his name and address and forgot it,,,but he is military,,,,his house can be seen through Frazier right side yard,,,on MacArthur circle...
Thursday, August 28, 2014
I would like to introduce you to the concept of resonance. This is the basis
for all our Directed Energy Weapons..The planet has it's own ring, and everything
that resides on the planet also has it's own ring. It's resonance,,,this is one of the definitions,and other links are informative.
"Natural frequency is the frequency at which a system naturally vibrates once it has been set into. In other, natural frequency is the number of times a system will oscillate (move back and forth) between its original position and its displaced position, if there is no outside interference.
The natural frequency, or frequencies, of any physical system or object are the frequencies at which it will vibrate if physically disturbed.
Resonance is the phenomenon that occurs when a physical system is periodically disturbed at the same period of one of its natural frequencies; see:
This is the basis for DEW directed energy weapons as I have stated above. Frequencies are all around us ..Frequency is also involved with this but we shall discuss that later..Think of Resonance as the wine glass,,when it is vibrated by a finger or by the high note of the opera singer and the glass shatters..The natural vibration,,however small is disturbed until the point that the glass can no longer control it's sold structure against the outside vibration,, so it shatters.
This is what is happening to human beings, we are being bathed in Resonances, that are not common or natural to us, so if we are overwhelmed ,,,we become ill and die,,another form of being shattered. Some of this is by our environment, but other sources of resonance is done on purpose, to shatter our lives,,steal our homes, our savings, for this resonance can disrupt thought processes to total confusion. resonance that can turn you into a frothing at the mouth mad dog..Howling at the moon and more than willing to bite your own ass. These are nothing to play with and they enable total control from the person who owns them, and to the person used on them,,If you want to get out of this a free woman or man, if you want to understand this at the basic part,,start here...learn how to block resonances from DEW. Microwave, infrared, and all the rest of the spectrum.
Just a small paragraph on micr waves..
Microwave is just that a micro wave and because it is so small , it is indeed very fast, it heats up the cells and molecules in our body, they vibrate when heated and their resonance is knocked off. It heats up your food this way and can heat you up in the same manner.
Imagine if that technology , which is used today was turned on you, it would cook you from the inside out..
Microwaves are used in the xbox,,, why because the lag time is to small we as slow humans do not sense it, we believe we are operating in real time and to our perception we are. The only reason this can be,,,is because of the speed of the micro wave. What happens to the microwave when it goes through the xbox, does it stop? Does it keep going, what happens to the pulses that give the appearance on the screen as a shot. What are these devices we have let in our homes and can these devices be modified to become a real ,red, green, or blue (highest energy of all) laser or microwave weapon?.
Can these devices be built and used against our neighbors? Has the gov't tested these devices on human subjects as many claim? What are the clinical appearances for directed energy weapons on people? How can people prove that use on them?
I know in Ma. that landlords who have a difficult time removing unwanted tenants use them,,,I know HUD used them on me..
The military requested "deniability" to be built in, why , so no one would know they had or were using the DEW, on anyone. How did they do this? From what I understand they created these pulses, that come and go very fast, it is hard to get a reading on them.Of course most of these devices go through walls and are invisible,,they can only be felt and sometimes heard,,sometimes though rare they can be seen and photographed,,or the person usinging them can be photographed,,,
These devices were created out of high energy without color because that will go through walls. I have read that laser cannot because of it's color go through walls, but white light without color for white has no color will go through walls. I have seen /read that blue light will go through walls so I am in doubt about that general consensus above..
If you as a person wish to find out the basis for all your harassment,,,look to the word resonance,,, also find out if you were involved in a drug deal, or dated a dealer,, or had something to do with drugs , maybe your next door neighbor wished you gone,,,someone wants your property..Swat is delivering drug warrants to people in full regalia in order to keep their new toys the federal gov't gave them,,,All the fancy military devices used for war,,,as long as Swat used it in the war on drugs, they can keep the war devices.
Make sure you understand what resonance means and the effects it can have on you especially when a different resonance is beamed at you and it is just a little higher or lower than your natural resonance is ,, this can promote depression or uncontrollable anger and if beamed at two people in the same house,,, well watch the fireworks fly..
Can a voice command be attached to this beam as is done in the NYT MAGAZINE article,," THE SOUND OF THINGS TO COME" ABOUT THE HSS DEVICE,,HYPERSONIC SILENT SOUND" I would think long and hard about that question I asked above.,,,
Think about that name,,,hyper sonic,,,silent sound,,,what does that mean to you?
You will find this old but informative article in the NYT archive 23 March 03,, Well worth the read. The company is ATC, and the inventor who also worked with the military is Woody Norris,,,I saw the device and LRAD demonstrated in their Maine Office,,,I made an appt. and drove up to see them, the commercial HSS does not go through walls but I will make a million dollar bet the military application does. Below are definitions for Resonance and Frequency,,learn them well.
I hope this small article has been helpful and explanatory,,,I suggest for the ignorant about Resonance to start here above with those links..
This is the basis for all our directed energy weapons.
“NSA is watching”
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" Ben Franklin,,1759
cogito ergo sum , "I think, therefore I am". Descartes
lat. scientia est potentia – knowledge is power)
Monday, August 25, 2014
The remarkable thing about the human brain is that it develops after birth. Unlike most animals whose brains are cast at birth, the human brain is so underdeveloped at birth that we cannot even walk for months. Self awareness does not develop for years. Personality, cognitive abilities, and skills, take decades to develop, and these attributes develop differently in every person. This is because development and wiring of the human brain are guided by our experiences during childhood and adolescence. From a biological perspective, this increases the odds that an individual will compete and reproduce successfully in the environment the individual is born into, rather than the environment experienced by our cave-man ancestors and recorded in our genes through natural selection. Developing the human brain out of the womb cheats evolution, and this is the reason for the success of our species.
When that environment is hostile or socially unhealthy, development of the brain is affected, and often it is impaired. Early childhood sexual abuse, physical abuse, or even witnessing domestic violence, have been shown to cause abnormal physical changes in the brain of children, with lasting effects that predisposes the child to developing psychological disorders. This type of brain scarring is well established now by human brain imaging studies, but prior to the recent study by Martin Teicher and colleagues at Harvard Medical School, taunting and other verbal abuse experienced by middle school children from their peers was not thought to leave a structural imprint on the developing brain. But it does, according to their new study published on-line in advance of print in the American Journal of Psychiatry
This follows my idea about our sexual grid. Our personality is developed over time likened to a three dimensional chess game each piece means an experience. Sexual or otherwise.
When that environment is hostile or socially unhealthy, development of the brain is affected, and often it is impaired. Early childhood sexual abuse, physical abuse, or even witnessing domestic violence, have been shown to cause abnormal physical changes in the brain of children, with lasting effects that predisposes the child to developing psychological disorders. This type of brain scarring is well established now by human brain imaging studies, but prior to the recent study by Martin Teicher and colleagues at Harvard Medical School, taunting and other verbal abuse experienced by middle school children from their peers was not thought to leave a structural imprint on the developing brain. But it does, according to their new study published on-line in advance of print in the American Journal of Psychiatry
This follows my idea about our sexual grid. Our personality is developed over time likened to a three dimensional chess game each piece means an experience. Sexual or otherwise.
Resonance is what this is all about,,this is controlling and manipulating and effecting,,knocking off our normal resonance,,,,this is how they manipulate us,,,anger is one resonance,,,depression is another,,,other emotions as well are different...that is how they are doing it,,,,we have a natural resonance that matches our enviroment,,,we come from this planet and have adapted,,,the scientists now say our DNA came from the Big Bang,,,from astroids,,,are astroids part of other esploding planets or just from the Big Bang ,,how old are astroids?? One wonders.....I read howdy's paper on humans and why we evolved into what we are...I will cut and past here when I find it again.. Wonderful paper...
Sunday, August 24, 2014
It is the daughters boyfriend
It is the daughters boyfriend. This morning they were blasting away and I got him on film. Just after they blasted me they left. Got In her car and left. The harassment stopped
They found the body of a twenty year old who allegedly drowned himself he was supposed to
Be or have mental problems ,,lot of that going around..
They found the body of a twenty year old who allegedly drowned himself he was supposed to
Be or have mental problems ,,lot of that going around..
Saturday, August 23, 2014
this is information I would like if I go to court,,,,
1. judge
2. debate rebuttel or dialogue and rebuttel
3. Trovas,,,, watman, brown school,,,LL
4. Grelish
5. write letter to Peabody paper,,,about others, who have been maligned...defamed, and their livelehood taken away from them...
1. judge
2. debate rebuttel or dialogue and rebuttel
3. Trovas,,,, watman, brown school,,,LL
4. Grelish
5. write letter to Peabody paper,,,about others, who have been maligned...defamed, and their livelehood taken away from them...
there has been a lot of traffic to david diachisions houw
lots of people are stopping by davids house,,, I wonder if he is going to sue me for defamation,,,from what I understand he has to lose a job or his reputation, or a great deal of money... I have nothing to sue for,,I own nothing,,,except my bike,,,I know what he has done,,,and I know that someone came into my apt. and stole all my memory chips,,,I wonder who that was.. huh david I bet you can answer that just like scott burns got a hold of my tape I had of him at my work,,,he shit his pants over that......I had them locked up,,,twice and they still got I wonder what is going on,,, I can see this prick and you are a prick david,,, and the Nelson's as well ,,the torigian's do not fall far from the tree. I wonder where this is going to go to court....That is one thing I would like to know...I have a feeling the Nelson's are going through my blog that cherie downloaded for them and are going to take me to court for defamation and slander...How can you slander someone when your telling the truth,,but I have a feeling they are going through my blog as discovery to tear it apart and beat every defense I have to pieces,,,we shall see,,,we shall see and this blog from cherie onward has been private and if it is not,,,then you are guilty of hacking....probably the police dept....David is pulsing my camera all the time,,, they are being destroyed over time,,,what happens is they white out,,so what can i say....just keep on taking my pictures,,,because i know where this shit is coming from ,,they really want to shut me up,,,reall bad,,,they have a lot to lose if they lose and they are almost totally assured they will win,,,,,
the resonance of us and of the world and David diachion and LL
David Diachision has a young man now living with him,,,I do not know if it is the girls boyfriend or his younger son,,,the one who used to do Little Leage,,,that's how david got the coaches after me..through his son's membership in little league,,,the coaches quit when I took pictures of them, they had a lot to lose and I was trying to go to the little league website to voice my complaint but you could not communicate with them at all....I imagine they ran into quite a bit of suggestions and complaints from the parents,,,bribery,,,I bet everything,,,Littel league is for rich kids,,the cost is off the planet for poor or even lower middle class, Bud wanted to enroll Devin but could not afford it..hundreds,,,not only to play but for equipment...Over our pay grade..
anyway for a while there,,whenever I walked through the Little Leage park,,,,the coaches and it was the coaches would zap me,,,evidently a lot of people have this shit,,,iphones,,,zappers,,,laser listening devices,,,all kinds of local technology that has been modified,,,
then you have an upper grade of device,,,that is the one that can hurl you through the air,,,I am pretty positive they have special people working that device with special training,,,I saw unfamilier faces when that occured,,,just the once, the other time ,,when I was thrown down the stairs,,I can only say that the pulse came from Nelson's direction....Then I was picked up and thrown downstairs..
Oh yeah when I was hurled through the air the second time,,,,the nurse was talking to the guy,,,who was parked just before the crosswalk in the middle of the street,,,I think he was the handler,, the controller of the device,,,
I can't remember the name of the street but it was the first right hand street after you come out of the bamboo forest,,from the ismius between little and big springs pond ,,,ul,,,I guess it all threatens our health..
We electrified people we live in a wifi world,,the magnetic field and resonance of the world is within us,,, so the military has learned to use this to destroy us by manipulating,,,it ,,,
Irene and Paul are also enjoying this, and It is an easy shot from their house to my window..above my coach and an easy shot from Diachisions end of driveway...he always has a car parked their..blocking the view from the end of his driveway, so i set up anothe rcamera from the end of his driveway,,high overhead...he does not like that one at all and he is pulsing it all the I will set it up today a foot closer to his house and over the trees,,,he pulses me from is back yard and end of driveway mostly...What a stupid prick,,, he is being used even more than I,,,Yes now that I think about it that is his youngest son,,, I think there is the big kid,,,huge,,,goofy,,Sousa's son looks to be built exactly the same,,,very tall, and linear looking,,,long waisted,,,just abut the same size,,I wonder if they had the same father? Maybe Sousa,,because the kid is tall, crept in Diachisions bed one night,,,I wouldn't put it past that creep...he is creeepy too...not without intelligence though,,and like all street people ,he can think on his feet..
I'm watching Project Runway,,,and they have and Indian Woman on from India,,,she is talented,,,and wants to win the prize,,she will probably be on the runway,,,amanda as well and maybe the kid who did the beautiful fringe dress,,,Hiedi Kum is going to wear to an awards show,,,I have yet to figure out how he trimmed the fringe to lay flat rather than bulky,,,he layered it just so and then the bottom fringe worked in was black and the dress was deep blue,,,very very nice,,,hope he can keep it up...some designers have a flash int he pan,,,but then bottom out,,,or are called one note designers,,,sometimes that can be good,,,they had a woman on who her specialty was flowy prints,,wh was really Ruth McDonnell and her amazing ability to use prints and have stunning effects from them,,,I should finish my two quilts,,,my red japanese quilt and my african tribute,,,I love that one,,,the woman and the child print,,
Oh yeah it seems like african men are being targeted by the police,,,I do nto think it has anything to do with Obama,,,just something the police do every once in a while go through a spat of shootings against black me,,,for nothing,,,they never catch the reall bad ciminals or they are already in jail so now they catch the bus fare avoiders and the cigar stealers in the convienance store,,,all the real bad guys are in jail..and the jisls are what are you gonna do,,but shoot them I guess...
The tiles work for me,,it gets most of the pulsing and frequencies down to where it is not a health threat,,,or hurtf
anyway for a while there,,whenever I walked through the Little Leage park,,,,the coaches and it was the coaches would zap me,,,evidently a lot of people have this shit,,,iphones,,,zappers,,,laser listening devices,,,all kinds of local technology that has been modified,,,
then you have an upper grade of device,,,that is the one that can hurl you through the air,,,I am pretty positive they have special people working that device with special training,,,I saw unfamilier faces when that occured,,,just the once, the other time ,,when I was thrown down the stairs,,I can only say that the pulse came from Nelson's direction....Then I was picked up and thrown downstairs..
Oh yeah when I was hurled through the air the second time,,,,the nurse was talking to the guy,,,who was parked just before the crosswalk in the middle of the street,,,I think he was the handler,, the controller of the device,,,
I can't remember the name of the street but it was the first right hand street after you come out of the bamboo forest,,from the ismius between little and big springs pond ,,,ul,,,I guess it all threatens our health..
We electrified people we live in a wifi world,,the magnetic field and resonance of the world is within us,,, so the military has learned to use this to destroy us by manipulating,,,it ,,,
Irene and Paul are also enjoying this, and It is an easy shot from their house to my window..above my coach and an easy shot from Diachisions end of driveway...he always has a car parked their..blocking the view from the end of his driveway, so i set up anothe rcamera from the end of his driveway,,high overhead...he does not like that one at all and he is pulsing it all the I will set it up today a foot closer to his house and over the trees,,,he pulses me from is back yard and end of driveway mostly...What a stupid prick,,, he is being used even more than I,,,Yes now that I think about it that is his youngest son,,, I think there is the big kid,,,huge,,,goofy,,Sousa's son looks to be built exactly the same,,,very tall, and linear looking,,,long waisted,,,just abut the same size,,I wonder if they had the same father? Maybe Sousa,,because the kid is tall, crept in Diachisions bed one night,,,I wouldn't put it past that creep...he is creeepy too...not without intelligence though,,and like all street people ,he can think on his feet..
I'm watching Project Runway,,,and they have and Indian Woman on from India,,,she is talented,,,and wants to win the prize,,she will probably be on the runway,,,amanda as well and maybe the kid who did the beautiful fringe dress,,,Hiedi Kum is going to wear to an awards show,,,I have yet to figure out how he trimmed the fringe to lay flat rather than bulky,,,he layered it just so and then the bottom fringe worked in was black and the dress was deep blue,,,very very nice,,,hope he can keep it up...some designers have a flash int he pan,,,but then bottom out,,,or are called one note designers,,,sometimes that can be good,,,they had a woman on who her specialty was flowy prints,,wh was really Ruth McDonnell and her amazing ability to use prints and have stunning effects from them,,,I should finish my two quilts,,,my red japanese quilt and my african tribute,,,I love that one,,,the woman and the child print,,
Oh yeah it seems like african men are being targeted by the police,,,I do nto think it has anything to do with Obama,,,just something the police do every once in a while go through a spat of shootings against black me,,,for nothing,,,they never catch the reall bad ciminals or they are already in jail so now they catch the bus fare avoiders and the cigar stealers in the convienance store,,,all the real bad guys are in jail..and the jisls are what are you gonna do,,but shoot them I guess...
The tiles work for me,,it gets most of the pulsing and frequencies down to where it is not a health threat,,,or hurtf
Friday, August 22, 2014
Friday 22? august,,,14
I was talking to my daughter and we were discussing james,,,our heroin addict grandson,,, I called him tonight and he was fucked up,,,he said he only had a couple of nips,,,no way, he was barely able to slur and talk,,,I told her to call the cops on his dealer,,and she was working on it,,she called they did not answer,,,so she was thinking of getting in touch with is doc the one who passes out these drugs,,to dealers...A lot of the targeting involves people,,,Ti,,s who saw drug deals,,,was neighbor to a drug dealer,,, a lot of this targeting inbobes drugs,,,,my daughter said the cops do nothing,,,they consdier the person reporting as a snithch,,,,and look down on them...instead of concerned people...she says the cops don't want to bother unless it is a big drug deal...otherwise don't bother...
I shall warn my daughter not to get involved,,,,,she could become targeted......wild horses are being herded and sent to Mexico for processing,,, I wonder what Mexico is going to do with the meat,,,probaly sell it to the U.S. one wonders..
Jillian had on a dress today and she said I bought it for her and I do not recall, it is real cute though,,and I am sure I bought it,,,I have bought her much,,,,..anyway Ferguson has calmed down ,,the military has been pulled back,,but on the internet,,,they showed a video of a guy killed by cops for not paying for his fare on the bus...I wonder what is going on,,,that is several black young men killed for minor monor crimes like this,,,,he was with an other guy and at first the guy said wilson did nothing then later recanted, and said he strong armed the clerk...for some cigars,,,then he bum rushed the cop,,,it doesn't matter young black males are easy targets,,,does't matter what they do,,,just in the wrong place at the wrong time,,,,sometimes to be honest,,,I am real glad I am white,,,a gift my parents gave to me...eben though way back somewhere on the French side,,,either black or indian or both, my mother told me my grandmother was indian,,,I asked how can you tell, she said look at her picture,,,I thought she looked Italian but my mother saw indian,,,I also saw black in the family tree,,,my brother bill had all physical attributes of being black,,except he was white,,,hig ass, kinky,,nappy really hair,,,brown eyes full lips,,,tall long legged,,,,good shepe ha had muscles too,,,anyway,,,I always thought he had the mainifistation of black blood,,,back then when the country was young,,,many single men married indiginous women,,,or whomever they could grab,,women were not common in the begiining years of our country,,,The brits frowned on going native as they called it but the FRench ,,the french did not mind at dad's people came to the states in the 1500, lots of generation adn that is documented in either Moncton or St. Charles, New Brunswick,,,
My dad told me that and he could not make that up,,not the type me,,,he was pretty honest.A big crack opened up in XXX , I mean a big crack,,,, earthquake or an underground stream like a mini Grand Canyon,,,I bet the christians are on that one,,,and them lots of jelly fish but that happens periodically,,,I rememver some years jelly fish,,,others ebes and flows...
My whole body hurts from the pulsing
and I also told my daughter to be careful if she does anyting about drugs,,,many Ti targeting started with drug,,,deals or saw something etv....
so I told her to be anonymouse.....Anyway tired,,, will write more tomorrow....
I shall warn my daughter not to get involved,,,,,she could become targeted......wild horses are being herded and sent to Mexico for processing,,, I wonder what Mexico is going to do with the meat,,,probaly sell it to the U.S. one wonders..
Jillian had on a dress today and she said I bought it for her and I do not recall, it is real cute though,,and I am sure I bought it,,,I have bought her much,,,,..anyway Ferguson has calmed down ,,the military has been pulled back,,but on the internet,,,they showed a video of a guy killed by cops for not paying for his fare on the bus...I wonder what is going on,,,that is several black young men killed for minor monor crimes like this,,,,he was with an other guy and at first the guy said wilson did nothing then later recanted, and said he strong armed the clerk...for some cigars,,,then he bum rushed the cop,,,it doesn't matter young black males are easy targets,,,does't matter what they do,,,just in the wrong place at the wrong time,,,,sometimes to be honest,,,I am real glad I am white,,,a gift my parents gave to me...eben though way back somewhere on the French side,,,either black or indian or both, my mother told me my grandmother was indian,,,I asked how can you tell, she said look at her picture,,,I thought she looked Italian but my mother saw indian,,,I also saw black in the family tree,,,my brother bill had all physical attributes of being black,,except he was white,,,hig ass, kinky,,nappy really hair,,,brown eyes full lips,,,tall long legged,,,,good shepe ha had muscles too,,,anyway,,,I always thought he had the mainifistation of black blood,,,back then when the country was young,,,many single men married indiginous women,,,or whomever they could grab,,women were not common in the begiining years of our country,,,The brits frowned on going native as they called it but the FRench ,,the french did not mind at dad's people came to the states in the 1500, lots of generation adn that is documented in either Moncton or St. Charles, New Brunswick,,,
My dad told me that and he could not make that up,,not the type me,,,he was pretty honest.A big crack opened up in XXX , I mean a big crack,,,, earthquake or an underground stream like a mini Grand Canyon,,,I bet the christians are on that one,,,and them lots of jelly fish but that happens periodically,,,I rememver some years jelly fish,,,others ebes and flows...
My whole body hurts from the pulsing
and I also told my daughter to be careful if she does anyting about drugs,,,many Ti targeting started with drug,,,deals or saw something etv....
so I told her to be anonymouse.....Anyway tired,,, will write more tomorrow....
Thursday, August 21, 2014
last nights call
last nights call was very interesting,,,,bear spray was recommended,,,a good idea,,,and two articles of note,,,I shall go and read them and see what that is all about,,,tony came on and we spoke of being hit,,,I have been hit many many many times by this device and each time it is harder and harder to recover...I call it the bloom,,,you can be hit anywhere in your body,,and it blooms out,, it increases your temperature and you pass out,,I have never totally passed out,,but came within a few seconds of it...The only thing I desire on my part is to get cool,,,this is military grade device used on civilians.
When the police dept used this on me they did it in front of a nurses house to make sure I had emergency service in case things got out of hand,,,they also called in a person who used and was familier with the use of this device,,,they threw me through the air,,i landed on my side with my arm under my head...this was all planned out,,,then when I got up,,,I was ok,,or seemed to be and then they pulsed me and I almost passed out..this was for writing the letter that the police objected too about their paid 9/11 holiday and non existent heroism...I criticized them about it,,,to me you have to earn a heros badge,,not earn it because you wear the same was bullshit,,,all of it was bullshit..the men who all died in 9/11 were heroes and it is cheapened to give that label and adulation to everyone who wore the uniform...
Tony said that what they do is use the ability to make you go to the startle reaction as a base line,,,this helps them figure out where to use this,,,to make you go beyond that point, or to use that point as a control...Tony explained it much better than I am here but I did understand what he was saying..
I shall go and review this tape,,,i did not stay for the entire call as I was tired..One thing of note,,,they do push you to the point of not caring what happens to yourself...that death means nothing to you in the task at hand and I know thisis where they pushed me,,,to sacrifice everything and anyone to stop this DEW..for many many people have no idea the great control and manipulation these devices give the gov't over our lives,,,I know,,,I know all to well. and as i have said many times we should all be afraid,,,very afraid,,,of these devices and our gov't and corporations who use them against the populace....will add more tot his blog later
oh yeah,,,david diachision has had a lot of company,,,something unusual...I hope it has nothing to do with me...
When the police dept used this on me they did it in front of a nurses house to make sure I had emergency service in case things got out of hand,,,they also called in a person who used and was familier with the use of this device,,,they threw me through the air,,i landed on my side with my arm under my head...this was all planned out,,,then when I got up,,,I was ok,,or seemed to be and then they pulsed me and I almost passed out..this was for writing the letter that the police objected too about their paid 9/11 holiday and non existent heroism...I criticized them about it,,,to me you have to earn a heros badge,,not earn it because you wear the same was bullshit,,,all of it was bullshit..the men who all died in 9/11 were heroes and it is cheapened to give that label and adulation to everyone who wore the uniform...
Tony said that what they do is use the ability to make you go to the startle reaction as a base line,,,this helps them figure out where to use this,,,to make you go beyond that point, or to use that point as a control...Tony explained it much better than I am here but I did understand what he was saying..
I shall go and review this tape,,,i did not stay for the entire call as I was tired..One thing of note,,,they do push you to the point of not caring what happens to yourself...that death means nothing to you in the task at hand and I know thisis where they pushed me,,,to sacrifice everything and anyone to stop this DEW..for many many people have no idea the great control and manipulation these devices give the gov't over our lives,,,I know,,,I know all to well. and as i have said many times we should all be afraid,,,very afraid,,,of these devices and our gov't and corporations who use them against the populace....will add more tot his blog later
oh yeah,,,david diachision has had a lot of company,,,something unusual...I hope it has nothing to do with me...
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
an undescribable feeling of dread has come over me,,,they are using the LRad,,,in Ferguson, or is gearing up was incorrect also in naming Raytheon as the inventor from what I remember Woody norris,,,ATC invented it,,,at least he had one to demonstrate to me way back then..I guess i was ahead of my time,,,now my prophecy is come true,,,they are using this shit on everyone...everyone...oh well now I don't feel to alone...
20 August 14
Today is such a nice day,,,it could be better if I wasn't pulsed..sunny warm,,, nice,,,
I txt bud this morning called him a dickhead,,,he had the power tools,,james could of scraped and been painting the house days could of all been done,,,but it is not my house so it is up to them to take car of it,,,I am tired of paying out this money to james who is dicking around as well as bud,,,see what I mean dickheads...and the house looks like shit,,,i gave bud 70 bucks last month to fix the well, that did not get done,,,I asked him to level my refrigerator,,which seems to be working quite well now that I took it out of the corner and put if on level ground..working real someone has to come over and level this off for me,,,,maybe I will call best buy and see what they can do for me.....
I have been hiding in the house,,,as much as possible my only avenue to the outside world is the internet,,,how sad is that,,i do have to go out for food...and that I do,,, I lost ten pounds and I am glad of that and wish to lose more...I would love to be a fashion diva once more,,,Can you imagine,,,when I worked in ca. many of the women I worked with always complimented me on the clothes I wore,,,nothing to outrageous,,,but nice classy,,,always classy,except now that i am overweight,,,and it is only my stomach,,,and it is hard to fit clothes when you belly leads the way,,,so exercise and cutting back on everything,,,little meat once in a while,,but I want to keep everything light and airy.. within and without...
The targeting was not too bad,,,at least they stopped pulsing my front teeth ,,I woke up with them pulling back my upper lip and looking at my tooth,,the one where they broke the filling,,and now it is needs a crown ..What a mess that is,,,and I have to do it soon, for the decay is working its way across the tooth near the gum line,,happines is.....
lots of pulsing,,,lots of harassment drive bys usually. Bud seems really angry,,,because I was staring at the new front stairs going into the front of the burnett house.,,They have targeted me as well..I wonder what their relationship is to Nelson and city hall.
I finished Gillian's painting today,,,I signed off on it,,,and it came out really nice,,,really nice and it looks like her a profile..I hope she lives up to it,,,she looks strong and classy..I hope the world hangs together long enough for her to have a wonderful life..after all society today is just a facade and we can go back to primal roots in a heartbeat..
I read today that the rich get their food from special enclosed farms just for them,,well I think I would do that as well if I had the money as it is eggplant, tomatoes,cukes,,strawberries a few,,,grapes,,and herbs,,by the way try mint in your lemonade,,,absolutely delicious......
The front of the house looks like shit,,,I guess Bud is going to wait until his parents die then he can redo the house,,,I wonder if Khris his sister knows that bud has been nominated executor of his parents will..? I bet she doesn't,,,maybe I should stir up those juices.....nah,,,troublemaker as much as nelson wants me to be one,,,I am not.....the only things I did was make it so that people all could enjoy that land instead of just rich (used to be) white men, who played golf,,,I wanted it a park,,, you know have some attraction and make it so everyone could enjoy it,,,is that being a busy body a trouble maker,, as Nelson stated and he used mind control to make sure others thought along those lines as well......HUH you fucker Nelson,,you did it made everyone think I was a trouble maker when I was not.....Now I could give a shit,,,I could not figure out where this brown stain comes from that covers my sink,,,I do dishes by hand,,it is the runoff from Eastman gelatin's manufacturing process, still with us today,,,the bottom of my drip pan is also always covered with this brown stain thick stuff and we drink that crap as well. You won't find bud drinking it, without boiling it,,,now the anti bacteria boy,,,
I want to paint all three of the boys as well...if I can get some pics of them,,or nail them to the floor,
I also txted Adam to tell Danielle not to go and blame james for being violent that will follow him throughout his life ,,,like mine,,,not to go there.....Kelly said she was scared of him,,and that is bullshit......never been afraid of james just leary ,,,all of them like to steal,,,where they get that from I know not..I don't think they have any clue what character is,,,I can see why both mothers do not as well......
I rode my bike yesterday and asked bud for the pump he has ,,he said he lent it out and never got it back,,and that is a lie,,,you can always tell when he is lying.....I'm getting better at recognising when he is lying,,,Kelly is harder because she believes what she says at the moment...
I also was thinking about psychopaths,,maybe it is just within these people our primal self is what rules...rather than the rules of and mean,,hunting is their lives....
Cherie is out front gossiping as usual and bud and kelly went to the Red Sox game last night,,,so much for painting the house.....I hope they had a good time though,,,bud's broccoli is doing well and the state trooper mentioned that,he said we didn't destroy your broccoli which was real nice of him,,,,,,I'm gonna make some jam and send him some if I can find out who he is,,,,
I am looking into buying a house,,,,like david shurter,,,,he bought one in Seattle and is fixing it up he is very clever and does yard sales and such,,,I could too he has given me hope,,,,I notified a military web site linked realtor ,,we shall see what happens...........
I txt bud this morning called him a dickhead,,,he had the power tools,,james could of scraped and been painting the house days could of all been done,,,but it is not my house so it is up to them to take car of it,,,I am tired of paying out this money to james who is dicking around as well as bud,,,see what I mean dickheads...and the house looks like shit,,,i gave bud 70 bucks last month to fix the well, that did not get done,,,I asked him to level my refrigerator,,which seems to be working quite well now that I took it out of the corner and put if on level ground..working real someone has to come over and level this off for me,,,,maybe I will call best buy and see what they can do for me.....
I have been hiding in the house,,,as much as possible my only avenue to the outside world is the internet,,,how sad is that,,i do have to go out for food...and that I do,,, I lost ten pounds and I am glad of that and wish to lose more...I would love to be a fashion diva once more,,,Can you imagine,,,when I worked in ca. many of the women I worked with always complimented me on the clothes I wore,,,nothing to outrageous,,,but nice classy,,,always classy,except now that i am overweight,,,and it is only my stomach,,,and it is hard to fit clothes when you belly leads the way,,,so exercise and cutting back on everything,,,little meat once in a while,,but I want to keep everything light and airy.. within and without...
The targeting was not too bad,,,at least they stopped pulsing my front teeth ,,I woke up with them pulling back my upper lip and looking at my tooth,,the one where they broke the filling,,and now it is needs a crown ..What a mess that is,,,and I have to do it soon, for the decay is working its way across the tooth near the gum line,,happines is.....
lots of pulsing,,,lots of harassment drive bys usually. Bud seems really angry,,,because I was staring at the new front stairs going into the front of the burnett house.,,They have targeted me as well..I wonder what their relationship is to Nelson and city hall.
I finished Gillian's painting today,,,I signed off on it,,,and it came out really nice,,,really nice and it looks like her a profile..I hope she lives up to it,,,she looks strong and classy..I hope the world hangs together long enough for her to have a wonderful life..after all society today is just a facade and we can go back to primal roots in a heartbeat..
I read today that the rich get their food from special enclosed farms just for them,,well I think I would do that as well if I had the money as it is eggplant, tomatoes,cukes,,strawberries a few,,,grapes,,and herbs,,by the way try mint in your lemonade,,,absolutely delicious......
The front of the house looks like shit,,,I guess Bud is going to wait until his parents die then he can redo the house,,,I wonder if Khris his sister knows that bud has been nominated executor of his parents will..? I bet she doesn't,,,maybe I should stir up those juices.....nah,,,troublemaker as much as nelson wants me to be one,,,I am not.....the only things I did was make it so that people all could enjoy that land instead of just rich (used to be) white men, who played golf,,,I wanted it a park,,, you know have some attraction and make it so everyone could enjoy it,,,is that being a busy body a trouble maker,, as Nelson stated and he used mind control to make sure others thought along those lines as well......HUH you fucker Nelson,,you did it made everyone think I was a trouble maker when I was not.....Now I could give a shit,,,I could not figure out where this brown stain comes from that covers my sink,,,I do dishes by hand,,it is the runoff from Eastman gelatin's manufacturing process, still with us today,,,the bottom of my drip pan is also always covered with this brown stain thick stuff and we drink that crap as well. You won't find bud drinking it, without boiling it,,,now the anti bacteria boy,,,
I want to paint all three of the boys as well...if I can get some pics of them,,or nail them to the floor,
I also txted Adam to tell Danielle not to go and blame james for being violent that will follow him throughout his life ,,,like mine,,,not to go there.....Kelly said she was scared of him,,and that is bullshit......never been afraid of james just leary ,,,all of them like to steal,,,where they get that from I know not..I don't think they have any clue what character is,,,I can see why both mothers do not as well......
I rode my bike yesterday and asked bud for the pump he has ,,he said he lent it out and never got it back,,and that is a lie,,,you can always tell when he is lying.....I'm getting better at recognising when he is lying,,,Kelly is harder because she believes what she says at the moment...
I also was thinking about psychopaths,,maybe it is just within these people our primal self is what rules...rather than the rules of and mean,,hunting is their lives....
Cherie is out front gossiping as usual and bud and kelly went to the Red Sox game last night,,,so much for painting the house.....I hope they had a good time though,,,bud's broccoli is doing well and the state trooper mentioned that,he said we didn't destroy your broccoli which was real nice of him,,,,,,I'm gonna make some jam and send him some if I can find out who he is,,,,
I am looking into buying a house,,,,like david shurter,,,,he bought one in Seattle and is fixing it up he is very clever and does yard sales and such,,,I could too he has given me hope,,,,I notified a military web site linked realtor ,,we shall see what happens...........
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
counter insurgency in Ferguson,,,warren,,and burnett
Where shall I start,,,I emailed Elizabeth warren about illegal immigration ,,a teacher from lynn told me she has 29 illegal immigrants in a class of 35 in kindergarten,,,she also told me it was rumoured that families who live here are going to Somalia and South America and recruiting children to come here illegally. People who already have their green card,,, or are citizens,,,Lynn is already stretched..She also said the teachers union will do nothing.....
Ferguson is straight out in counter insurgency is a good test for the gov't and that is probably why wilson was killed..or maybe this is an opportunity for the gov't to train the police for counter insurgency...
Kelly mentioned she was scared of james,,,I am not scared of James and james never laid a hand on her,,,so I reminded her of what a fucking asshole she was going through her drug shit,,and methadone shit,, and she said I was ass....
Paul and Irene are full blown perps ,,,they are doing Nelson's and Diachisions work for them and the good part is that they live right next door,,,they don't have to shoot across the street like David has too,,,no one can see them from even the street,,,straight shot in my apt...this morning,,the dog was going crazy and the assault kept up until she drove away....pulses and vibration,,,,both Cody and I have the runs from it...
The Burnett's,, a secretive couple I have only seen them a few times since living here,,,I know little about them,,,His name is Howard and hers is Barbara,,,small world,,,,they used to live in a brown painted house but now it's green,,,,I thought their name was Brown,,, and it was kinda funny how I found out their last name...I was walking thought the cemetery when this man approached and told me that the people I called the Brown's were really the Burnetts,,,I did not recognize him,,,,I had never seen him up until that time, so it took me a while to figure it out, at first I thought it was in reference to Tracy Brown,,,and later discovered it was not...Many times I have been pulsed from their house,,,especially when I waited for the Project Mobility bus...Got slammed one day ,,,and after that occasionally,,incremental..I saw them in their back yard on deck and I stared at them and they stared at me,,,I have no idea their relationship to the Nelsons or Torigian...Nor do I care,,,I only know they have been very active on and off since I moved here.
Bud now has a firemen sticker on his van,,,he contributed some money to them for something...I hate to say it but he's a perp too, not uncommon in the Ti world to have all family reject you, that is part of the program,,,number one and two of the formula of destruction.
Getting hit it seems like from yaikus as well, or not, that is not confirmed in my mind so I will not say so...The perps want people as close to the target as they can get,,,,makes less evidence,,,less exposure,,,,that is also why they like drive by shootings....19 August 14
Ferguson is straight out in counter insurgency is a good test for the gov't and that is probably why wilson was killed..or maybe this is an opportunity for the gov't to train the police for counter insurgency...
Kelly mentioned she was scared of james,,,I am not scared of James and james never laid a hand on her,,,so I reminded her of what a fucking asshole she was going through her drug shit,,and methadone shit,, and she said I was ass....
Paul and Irene are full blown perps ,,,they are doing Nelson's and Diachisions work for them and the good part is that they live right next door,,,they don't have to shoot across the street like David has too,,,no one can see them from even the street,,,straight shot in my apt...this morning,,the dog was going crazy and the assault kept up until she drove away....pulses and vibration,,,,both Cody and I have the runs from it...
The Burnett's,, a secretive couple I have only seen them a few times since living here,,,I know little about them,,,His name is Howard and hers is Barbara,,,small world,,,,they used to live in a brown painted house but now it's green,,,,I thought their name was Brown,,, and it was kinda funny how I found out their last name...I was walking thought the cemetery when this man approached and told me that the people I called the Brown's were really the Burnetts,,,I did not recognize him,,,,I had never seen him up until that time, so it took me a while to figure it out, at first I thought it was in reference to Tracy Brown,,,and later discovered it was not...Many times I have been pulsed from their house,,,especially when I waited for the Project Mobility bus...Got slammed one day ,,,and after that occasionally,,incremental..I saw them in their back yard on deck and I stared at them and they stared at me,,,I have no idea their relationship to the Nelsons or Torigian...Nor do I care,,,I only know they have been very active on and off since I moved here.
Bud now has a firemen sticker on his van,,,he contributed some money to them for something...I hate to say it but he's a perp too, not uncommon in the Ti world to have all family reject you, that is part of the program,,,number one and two of the formula of destruction.
Getting hit it seems like from yaikus as well, or not, that is not confirmed in my mind so I will not say so...The perps want people as close to the target as they can get,,,,makes less evidence,,,less exposure,,,,that is also why they like drive by shootings....19 August 14
Monday, August 18, 2014
Patent so police can shut down wifi and all near commica
Data current through August 12, 2014.
Last Sunday,,yesterday the riots in Ferguson is gotten worse,,,they released the autopsy,,he was shot 6 times,,,the gov't is going to do it's own autopsy,,,is this the spark,,,,I dont' think so,,,but people are taking it serious,,,I know I do...
I who am a patriot love my country,,,but I'm telling your our gov't has really disappointed many folks and believe it has strayed from American Idealism,,,I do too but many of our idealisms are different,,,,and I would be scared to death of the far right taking advantage of any chaos,,,like milton friedman suggests,,,,there is money to be made in Chaos,,
The far right is so opposite to what I believe I would be scared shitless if they got in power,,,,the people on my street are basically GOP,,,religious,,, oh well,,,we shall see, what happens,,,this morning I saw my relative hit me ,,I was watching him from my camera,,but then someone was behind him across the street,,,so I think it was a decoy...the perps want me to think it is the relative,,and ,,,well never mind that for now...
Ferguson,,,the dead guy strong armed a grocery store for some cigars,,,he was nearby,,the cop did not know what Wilson did,,so I heard,,,,anyway it is still confusing,,,,I know when you as a police officer pulls your gun out your supposed to be going to shoot it,,not just
to wave it around,,,,and shoot to ?? I never heard what to shoot kill or maim??that part I missed..I guess the press published the cops home address,,,I thought this wrong,,his family had nothing to do with it,,,like in jesse venturas suit against Kyles family ,,when kyle was killed jess did not drop his suit against his family,,, I got to check my mail,,,tomorrow...for court..the family seems to be libel,Torigian's family believe I am slandering the father,,,but you know this daughter has worked her wonders on this neighborhood and Cherie helped,,she is in her glory,,,now she can gossip with everyone and the sad part is they listen to her,,,shes still mad about STeve Major and the ending of Buds and his relationship,,,,he used to come down adn go behind the garage and smoke pot with her,,,he supplied her free ,this is how he gets women,,,he tried this on April and I bet he did this with Francine as well.....he started chatting up Kelly,,not that she would ever go for this creep,,but I certainly did not want him around,,,and he was around,,,sitting out back with Bud around our fire pit chatting up Kelly out front,,,nope,,,not here,,,so he went over to Cheries...he used her to be close to our house;...every time I go out and come home,,,I walked down Wentworth,,,he would come out of his house,,,this time I walked down Coolidge and I saw him go by a few minutes later,,,he must watch for me...little creep...
,,I should read about Venturas case and see what set precedence,,,
Jesse is a very public person,,,,
so that sets precedence for anyone to go after my family if I'm dead,,,for slander.....
well from what I understand you have to lose a lot,,,a job, large amount of money and be a public person....Torigian is dead but I should sue his estate for what he did to me,,,that son of a bitch,,,,..I just wrote a note to bettencourt the other day when Joan sent me the link of Bettoncourts state of the city address,,,,,online,,,when he had his state of the city address and said,," I remember that Table,,," the one he was sitting at...that is the same one Leslie and I sat at with our meeting with Torigian and his thug.....his bodyguard...
I refuse to erase this blog,,,it tells the story of what was done...It is my story,,,,despite what Nelson and her family think,,,,they want their father to be a saint,,,to me he was a thug,,,he supported them and gave them all a paycheck,,,,he took mine away..fuck you Torigian,,,I wish you were alive ,,,I would spit on you.....I just wanted to mention here tha tthey released the autopsy at a bad time,,,,,it should not be released yet...lots of people are mad over this,,,I don't know what to think ,,,right now James's mother wants to pink slip him,,,meaning force him to go for drug treatment,,,,kelly said everyone is afraid of him,,,but I don't think that is so,,,,they just want him to get treatment,,,i have never been afraid of James,,,,,but then I am not to afraid of anything,,,,Ferguson, is osmething to think about,,,but I have enough on my plate....that will ahve to be handleded by the people,,, who live is concerning though....
I who am a patriot love my country,,,but I'm telling your our gov't has really disappointed many folks and believe it has strayed from American Idealism,,,I do too but many of our idealisms are different,,,,and I would be scared to death of the far right taking advantage of any chaos,,,like milton friedman suggests,,,,there is money to be made in Chaos,,
The far right is so opposite to what I believe I would be scared shitless if they got in power,,,,the people on my street are basically GOP,,,religious,,, oh well,,,we shall see, what happens,,,this morning I saw my relative hit me ,,I was watching him from my camera,,but then someone was behind him across the street,,,so I think it was a decoy...the perps want me to think it is the relative,,and ,,,well never mind that for now...
Ferguson,,,the dead guy strong armed a grocery store for some cigars,,,he was nearby,,the cop did not know what Wilson did,,so I heard,,,,anyway it is still confusing,,,,I know when you as a police officer pulls your gun out your supposed to be going to shoot it,,not just
to wave it around,,,,and shoot to ?? I never heard what to shoot kill or maim??that part I missed..I guess the press published the cops home address,,,I thought this wrong,,his family had nothing to do with it,,,like in jesse venturas suit against Kyles family ,,when kyle was killed jess did not drop his suit against his family,,, I got to check my mail,,,tomorrow...for court..the family seems to be libel,Torigian's family believe I am slandering the father,,,but you know this daughter has worked her wonders on this neighborhood and Cherie helped,,she is in her glory,,,now she can gossip with everyone and the sad part is they listen to her,,,shes still mad about STeve Major and the ending of Buds and his relationship,,,,he used to come down adn go behind the garage and smoke pot with her,,,he supplied her free ,this is how he gets women,,,he tried this on April and I bet he did this with Francine as well.....he started chatting up Kelly,,not that she would ever go for this creep,,but I certainly did not want him around,,,and he was around,,,sitting out back with Bud around our fire pit chatting up Kelly out front,,,nope,,,not here,,,so he went over to Cheries...he used her to be close to our house;...every time I go out and come home,,,I walked down Wentworth,,,he would come out of his house,,,this time I walked down Coolidge and I saw him go by a few minutes later,,,he must watch for me...little creep...
,,I should read about Venturas case and see what set precedence,,,
Jesse is a very public person,,,,
so that sets precedence for anyone to go after my family if I'm dead,,,for slander.....
well from what I understand you have to lose a lot,,,a job, large amount of money and be a public person....Torigian is dead but I should sue his estate for what he did to me,,,that son of a bitch,,,,..I just wrote a note to bettencourt the other day when Joan sent me the link of Bettoncourts state of the city address,,,,,online,,,when he had his state of the city address and said,," I remember that Table,,," the one he was sitting at...that is the same one Leslie and I sat at with our meeting with Torigian and his thug.....his bodyguard...
I refuse to erase this blog,,,it tells the story of what was done...It is my story,,,,despite what Nelson and her family think,,,,they want their father to be a saint,,,to me he was a thug,,,he supported them and gave them all a paycheck,,,,he took mine away..fuck you Torigian,,,I wish you were alive ,,,I would spit on you.....I just wanted to mention here tha tthey released the autopsy at a bad time,,,,,it should not be released yet...lots of people are mad over this,,,I don't know what to think ,,,right now James's mother wants to pink slip him,,,meaning force him to go for drug treatment,,,,kelly said everyone is afraid of him,,,but I don't think that is so,,,,they just want him to get treatment,,,i have never been afraid of James,,,,,but then I am not to afraid of anything,,,,Ferguson, is osmething to think about,,,but I have enough on my plate....that will ahve to be handleded by the people,,, who live is concerning though....
18 August 14 james
They are playing with killing james,,, they can cure him of his addiction,,,instead they push him into it,,, he is so controlled by all this the heroin makes it easy to kill him too...Adam went to his probation officer,,,and he asked how james was and adam started to cry,,for him to cry,,well he has the persona of a tough guy but he is not,,,,he quit school too,,,,why I do not know,,, I was a total bitch to keep danielle and kelly in school, maybe I did it wrong,,but I always wanted them to stay and go to school,,,Anyway james is working,,,he has money so he is spending it on heroin,,, that is his status right now...Adam is crying because he tried to wake james and could not,,he thought him dead,,dan said she had to take him to hospital twice,,,we all do not know what to do,,,,I take one hit,,,a puff off a pope of pot once a day or twice at most and this is what I do...
but this heroin james is on is imposed as punishment to me for writing in the blog about my neighbors,,,so they are going to kill james,,,taking advantage of his heroin habit...I firmly believe this and do I think they are capable of doing this,,, your talking about the Torigians,,, I already know what these fuckers are capable of,,,,look at what they did to my life,,,and are still doing,,, this is the program folks,,,,basically these fuckers who own , these devices can do whatever they want with your life........
but this heroin james is on is imposed as punishment to me for writing in the blog about my neighbors,,,so they are going to kill james,,,taking advantage of his heroin habit...I firmly believe this and do I think they are capable of doing this,,, your talking about the Torigians,,, I already know what these fuckers are capable of,,,,look at what they did to my life,,,and are still doing,,, this is the program folks,,,,basically these fuckers who own , these devices can do whatever they want with your life........
Sunday, August 17, 2014
David Diachision and neigbors
yesterday David Diachision had this big black car out front,,,lokked like what the cops use for undercover,but it could be anyone,,,an attorney,,,anyone,,
today he has had more company from everyone than all summer,,,first Johanson walked over,,,then a black van,,,white car,,,now a red pickup,,,I dont' think it is his car,,,it seems like a lot more traffic than usual at his house...I guess I am a little uneasy about it,,,,,One never knows what the perps are gonna do,,,
they got james strung out on heroin again,,,you with mind control they could fix that,,,but they won't,,,,I wonder why..?
today he has had more company from everyone than all summer,,,first Johanson walked over,,,then a black van,,,white car,,,now a red pickup,,,I dont' think it is his car,,,it seems like a lot more traffic than usual at his house...I guess I am a little uneasy about it,,,,,One never knows what the perps are gonna do,,,
they got james strung out on heroin again,,,you with mind control they could fix that,,,but they won't,,,,I wonder why..?
Anthony Poland
It used to be that radios were made of hardware (electronics only), had antennas that were tuned to pick up on a select few frequencies and transmitted in all direction (omni-directional). Tuning to another set of frequencies required another radio/antenna combo. Today, the radios are "software defined" (they auto-detect what frequencies are present in a geographical area and load the appropriate software to work with them), the antenna technology is advanced to the point that one antenna can transmit on a wide variety of frequencies and the signal is transmitted by the antenna from one point to another rather than in all directions. So what this means is the antenna can be aimed at a house, the radio will pick up what frequencies are present, auto tune to those frequencies, and then start picking up communications, mapping out the locations of structures in the house (walls, furniture, etc).
You can try this and see if it works - move through your place and move all the furniture around an inch or two and you'll likely see what I mean. It will discombobulate the system for a short while. You'll likely notice the regular schedule is thrown off and people you don't usually see will show up at your next door neighbors, etc.
I think it's public safety/community policing/problem orientated policing
James,,, Whitey Bulger,,and drugs
The perps are going after James again,,they got him shooting up;,this is to punish me,,,but I cannot control this,,they want me to leave and go live under a bridge and commit suicide,,,,,they told me that years ago...That state trooper Johnson,,did that,,he lost everything too, i wonder if that was a true story but whitey Bulger was supposed to be the one who went after him,,,Bulger was a real murderer,,but then so are my perps...
So james is back on the heroin,,,his girlfriend got him on it,,,and she kicked her habit and went to college,,,james meanwhile,,,is a walking corpse because of it,,,he's been working and had money that is why he is back on it,,,He has money ,,he spent all his money on heroin this week,,,kelly told me and Danielle Marie called her and told her he was in an ugly mood...No more money,,,Im broke anyway...
and so it goes....the perps can cure them or they can kill them,,,as I told DEE Dorsty,,these mind control devices can be used for good, to cure depression,,,like Robin Williams,,,after 9/11 I heard they used these devices to comfort those who could not handle the grief,,,they gave them dreams that their loved one was in heaven,,,they can do this,,,I know they can,but my children they walk on the dark side,,,and do not think I am turning religious I am not,,,just the words describe all our fears and these weapons as I have stated we should all be very afraid,,,very very afraid..Oh yeah one last thing David Diachision has been shooting at my camera since I put it out front,,,,and Irene parks her car so i cannot see the road in front of David's house,,she enver parks there always in back,,,any way it might be because I was watering my plants,,,I know he gets mad because the drops go through and mark his car,,he works for a funeral parlor,,he looks the part ,,tall lanky,,white hair,,quite,,,,used to death....oh welll ,,,Irene sells or works for a car rental place,,,,,
mmessage to howdy about microwaves and the technology used to harass.
right now Ti stuff, he is a Ti,,,that is why he called his website gang stalking HELP..,,he has helped me and he is smart..and honest...we have a good relationship,,,targeting is like a buzz saw ,did you know mircowaves are described as saw tooth,,,that is what this feels like when it hits you the pulse,,, a saw tooth on a buzz saw,,,imagine how that would feel, so I think what I am being hit with is microwave,,,,xboxes are run on microwaves,,,and they have wireless controllers,,,,,,,and they have a network,,,,and they have expanded functions,,, making the players think they are really in a vibrating car on the screen,,,and one wonders if this runs off microwave,,,from wireless controllers what happens when you aim them otherwise through wifi...????
I know two of you have them,, can you feel vibration when you play these games I mentioned before,,, i know you dislike them but I have access to a couple of these games if I sent them to you,,,give me some time,,,,will you try them out??
I know two of you have them,, can you feel vibration when you play these games I mentioned before,,, i know you dislike them but I have access to a couple of these games if I sent them to you,,,give me some time,,,,will you try them out??
The neighborhood,,,
Well it works ,the keyboard,,,,these new wireless as much as I hate wireless are amazing..just amazing,
,I guess everyone in the neighborhood is furious with me the harassment has been incredible...Especally from everyone,,,,, you would think they would be grateful but the harassment has not lightened , it has gotten worse,,,that big black car parked in front of Diachisions house looks like one of the unamrked police cars,,,very very nice,,expensice,,ony the best for the cops in this town,,, /tey do live large,,,I saw the Johanson's visit Diachisions the gossip is going around and around,, it does not bode well for me,,everyone is enraged,,,over my pot plants,,,only one in the city,,,,so far,,, I think,,at least I have not heard of anyone else getting caught,,I am notorious.....there gonna put me in jail ,,,I shall plead on the mercy of the court,,,and offer to pay my taxes for all those years I smoked without paying taxes,,this is ,,,what this is all about ,,right?????,,,its a man's world...will be for a very long time,,,if we live,,,,we seem to be in another mass extinction,,,lots of animals are dying on the Pacific coast,,,,many believe it is fukishima still spewing radioactive water in the ocean,,,no one can stop it yet,,,what did russia do...japan will be no more if this keeps on,,a land of monsters,,,genetically created,,,I wonder what the effects have been from russia and how do we feel in this country about Nukes now?
That is some scary shit..
I was just thinking of my conversation with Robert Duncan,, and our base primal self,,,our ancestors recognized what lies just below the surface of everyone of us...our primal bones,,,our self preservation,,,we are still acting that out and those threats in our modern society ,,much to my earkt demise,,,I fool myself not at all I was in reall good shape...adn I have heard it from a good source Mangus Olsonn stated,,90% of TI's are women...What kind of woman will be left when they kill all them......All ages,,,i wonder what the age span is,,? older I think,,,no husbands,,,,mostly children gone,,,well to some men I would think we would be expendable but he is wrong, we hold the culture together,,,and right now the women are going with the men, in all of this,,, I see very few perp women who are protesting about this,,,do they believe in this harssment,,, ? or are afraid,,,I do not know..
I have not heard yet today about the riots in ferguson, it seems to be a news blackout,,,I know last night they had a curefew and lots of cops moved into the area,,,Some looting the night before ,,but you never know who did it,,,Our gov't has been noted to falsify information to the people,,like
the biggest lie of all,,,THE moon LANDing,,screwy keyboard,,,got to take this back,,
anyway this is how screwy this keyboard is,,,,
the moon landing never occured,,,the moon has no atmosphere,,,we can't land vertical in no atmosphere,,,nothing to hold us up....mars,,we had to bounce down and their atmosphere is more than the moon...Anyway the pulses this morning were like the buzz saw pulse,,,right through you like a saw too, that is what you feel...sso try putting your hand or imagining your hand in a real buzz saw and imagine what that would feel like,,,that is how this pulse rips through your body,,,I think this might be microwave,,,,,I heard it described as saw tooth edge frequency..maybe you can feel that too..I do not know...sheer speculation, but a good one,,,I can feel heat, and preassureand these pulses can push you down why not the teeth of a buzz saw,,,sounds like I was pretty on the mark to me, but then I belieee anything I say..Helocopter just flew right over the house with a good view,,,keeping and eye out for those pot growers,,they might grow pot and defeat the tax roll for pot after all it is a million dollar industry...if not billions,,,it's worth a lot of moeny and I hear the mexican mafia is out west planting in the forests,,,got to be lot of money in it if you gotta live like that,,,they live in the woods with few if none emenities,,little brown tough men from mexico...i would worry...
Oh everyone hates me,,,because of it,,,the shietroffs had company yesterday and I was watering my tree out front someone,,,whom I know who it is,,killed it,,,my beautiful japanese red maple,,,I gave to kelly-lyn,,,So I walk away and turn back and their all standing forzen in place watching me,,,I thought the old man adn they were old,,,I think he took my picture or he could of been fixing his shirt over his back pocket...but the minute I turned around it was like someone turned the video on,,instant movement,,,it was funny the reality of Youtube come to life.....Everyone used youtube,,,Everyone,,,I have yet to be able to do a movie and put it on Youtube...but I will. Dee told me I could get funding and I will look into that or maybe not..
anyway the thing I wished to state before I wander or forget is the black car is fortelling the increase in intensity of the pulses,,,on the target,,,,me,,,,I missed my keyboard,,this one is great,,,except for my/it's glitches...I almost finished with Gillian's portrait,,,just a little on the background and it is done...
Ahh Bud is home....
Cherie is out front talking as usual to someone,,,she gossips with everyone,,,she has expanded her terrortory,,,the thing with the pot plants and the STeve Major court thing,,,,,she hates me,,I think she is mind controlled,,everyone here is ,,,I seem to be the only one who is aware of it though...They think they are doing it to me,,,when it is being done to us all.....Poor fools,,, who is the stupid one here,,,,them who took the red pill or me who took the blue pill, but they know.. They all know they hve been hit two,,,maybe because of the sensitivity of being hit so much they are not tuned in yet,,,,not YET ANYWAY,,,,I would like to put the picture of the black car here, but I do not know how to get it from my ipod video to my blog,,,so that will take me a while to figure out,,,,I had a desktop,,,Maybe the menu is the desktop....I could try and save it there,,,but I think that is apps....documents? we shall try..later
,I guess everyone in the neighborhood is furious with me the harassment has been incredible...Especally from everyone,,,,, you would think they would be grateful but the harassment has not lightened , it has gotten worse,,,that big black car parked in front of Diachisions house looks like one of the unamrked police cars,,,very very nice,,expensice,,ony the best for the cops in this town,,, /tey do live large,,,I saw the Johanson's visit Diachisions the gossip is going around and around,, it does not bode well for me,,everyone is enraged,,,over my pot plants,,,only one in the city,,,,so far,,, I think,,at least I have not heard of anyone else getting caught,,I am notorious.....there gonna put me in jail ,,,I shall plead on the mercy of the court,,,and offer to pay my taxes for all those years I smoked without paying taxes,,this is ,,,what this is all about ,,right?????,,,its a man's world...will be for a very long time,,,if we live,,,,we seem to be in another mass extinction,,,lots of animals are dying on the Pacific coast,,,,many believe it is fukishima still spewing radioactive water in the ocean,,,no one can stop it yet,,,what did russia do...japan will be no more if this keeps on,,a land of monsters,,,genetically created,,,I wonder what the effects have been from russia and how do we feel in this country about Nukes now?
That is some scary shit..
I was just thinking of my conversation with Robert Duncan,, and our base primal self,,,our ancestors recognized what lies just below the surface of everyone of us...our primal bones,,,our self preservation,,,we are still acting that out and those threats in our modern society ,,much to my earkt demise,,,I fool myself not at all I was in reall good shape...adn I have heard it from a good source Mangus Olsonn stated,,90% of TI's are women...What kind of woman will be left when they kill all them......All ages,,,i wonder what the age span is,,? older I think,,,no husbands,,,,mostly children gone,,,well to some men I would think we would be expendable but he is wrong, we hold the culture together,,,and right now the women are going with the men, in all of this,,, I see very few perp women who are protesting about this,,,do they believe in this harssment,,, ? or are afraid,,,I do not know..
I have not heard yet today about the riots in ferguson, it seems to be a news blackout,,,I know last night they had a curefew and lots of cops moved into the area,,,Some looting the night before ,,but you never know who did it,,,Our gov't has been noted to falsify information to the people,,like
the biggest lie of all,,,THE moon LANDing,,screwy keyboard,,,got to take this back,,
anyway this is how screwy this keyboard is,,,,
the moon landing never occured,,,the moon has no atmosphere,,,we can't land vertical in no atmosphere,,,nothing to hold us up....mars,,we had to bounce down and their atmosphere is more than the moon...Anyway the pulses this morning were like the buzz saw pulse,,,right through you like a saw too, that is what you feel...sso try putting your hand or imagining your hand in a real buzz saw and imagine what that would feel like,,,that is how this pulse rips through your body,,,I think this might be microwave,,,,,I heard it described as saw tooth edge frequency..maybe you can feel that too..I do not know...sheer speculation, but a good one,,,I can feel heat, and preassureand these pulses can push you down why not the teeth of a buzz saw,,,sounds like I was pretty on the mark to me, but then I belieee anything I say..Helocopter just flew right over the house with a good view,,,keeping and eye out for those pot growers,,they might grow pot and defeat the tax roll for pot after all it is a million dollar industry...if not billions,,,it's worth a lot of moeny and I hear the mexican mafia is out west planting in the forests,,,got to be lot of money in it if you gotta live like that,,,they live in the woods with few if none emenities,,little brown tough men from mexico...i would worry...
Oh everyone hates me,,,because of it,,,the shietroffs had company yesterday and I was watering my tree out front someone,,,whom I know who it is,,killed it,,,my beautiful japanese red maple,,,I gave to kelly-lyn,,,So I walk away and turn back and their all standing forzen in place watching me,,,I thought the old man adn they were old,,,I think he took my picture or he could of been fixing his shirt over his back pocket...but the minute I turned around it was like someone turned the video on,,instant movement,,,it was funny the reality of Youtube come to life.....Everyone used youtube,,,Everyone,,,I have yet to be able to do a movie and put it on Youtube...but I will. Dee told me I could get funding and I will look into that or maybe not..
anyway the thing I wished to state before I wander or forget is the black car is fortelling the increase in intensity of the pulses,,,on the target,,,,me,,,,I missed my keyboard,,this one is great,,,except for my/it's glitches...I almost finished with Gillian's portrait,,,just a little on the background and it is done...
Ahh Bud is home....
Cherie is out front talking as usual to someone,,,she gossips with everyone,,,she has expanded her terrortory,,,the thing with the pot plants and the STeve Major court thing,,,,,she hates me,,I think she is mind controlled,,everyone here is ,,,I seem to be the only one who is aware of it though...They think they are doing it to me,,,when it is being done to us all.....Poor fools,,, who is the stupid one here,,,,them who took the red pill or me who took the blue pill, but they know.. They all know they hve been hit two,,,maybe because of the sensitivity of being hit so much they are not tuned in yet,,,,not YET ANYWAY,,,,I would like to put the picture of the black car here, but I do not know how to get it from my ipod video to my blog,,,so that will take me a while to figure out,,,,I had a desktop,,,Maybe the menu is the desktop....I could try and save it there,,,but I think that is apps....documents? we shall try..later
Robert Duncan. And TAGS
Yeah one other thing why is over 90% TI women? Because we are the weaker sex. These DEW let's men throw off societies rules and appeal to what is known as their base self. Now what is the base self?? If men went after other men it would be another story. They're basically chicken shit. I have a relative like that likes to inflict pain but a whimpering piece of shit when it comes to taking it. Basically a perp. They keep their distance afraid ill pop After what they do and did to me they deserve to die and they know it. They know they deserve to die as well as I .so that is what I see as the state of manhood today. You shield ? You don't share. Your the same in my book. Any questions?
I wrote the above to Robert Duncan today after a horrific days. I will add more later. I finally could add the below forms it is park dietz. Organisation a stable of shrinks to do his bidding
Yeah one other thing why is over 90% TI women? Because we are the weaker sex. These DEW let's men throw off societies rules and appeal to what is known as their base self. Now what is the base self?? If men went after other men it would be another story. They're basically chicken shit. I have a relative like that likes to inflict pain but a whimpering piece of shit when it comes to taking it. Basically a perp. They keep their distance afraid ill pop After what they do and did to me they deserve to die and they know it. They know they deserve to die as well as I .so that is what I see as the state of manhood today. You shield ? You don't share. Your the same in my book. Any questions?
I wrote the above to Robert Duncan today after a horrific days. I will add more later. I finally could add the below forms it is park dietz. Organisation a stable of shrinks to do his bidding
Saturday, August 16, 2014
16 august 14
Well it has been a bad while,,,my voids are getting runny, the pulses and vibratory hits are getting to me physically,,,and I do not feel well.....this is doing a number on me,,, i have done everything to get out of this and stop this,,but every time I do someone,,has me do something to start it up write letters or complain or go somewhere to piss these local fuckers
I just bought a wireless keyboard so I can write in my blog,,I could ill afford it, but doing without food is becoming normal.. I just lost ten pounds and I like it,,,maybe some more.weight loss would be good,,,
I also took some pictures with this iPod of the harassment but do not know how to put it here yet,,, all these devices except this keyboard was difficult to learn they all have their little tricks and if you don't know them feel the fool when you do it is so simple once you learn,,,but these iPods are an amazing little device and the good thing about it is it has a battery but you can run it off the power cord without the battery being involved...unlike my laptop,,,it is very fun and I can see why the kids love them and get lost in them they offer everything, the only thing you can't do is make a phone call,,and I cannot chat in the chat room of talkshoe and cannot call in over my iPod,,, I think you can but have not figured it out yet,,,I will go to apple and have a visit,,,with them and learn all the little secrets.
the assault has been horrendous,,,really bad,,,and constant,,, Stephen Major waits for me to arrive home today I fooled him , I came home down Coolidge ave instead of Wentworth,,he watches for me and will leave his house just as I almost get to St. Anne's ave just to piss me off,,,so today I saw him pass the house on my security camera,,,I moved it to the front of the house and cut down the bushes to see better because Sousa's kid was parking his car on my side of the street and every morning when he left,,,he nailed me wicked,,,I'm just a few feet away,,,the other night he was hitting Paul's house as well, so the camera,,,helps push them back,,,,Then Devin gets up and nails me with his xbox and that is on my list to purchase,,,the name of the game is ??? I will remember later,,,,I can see the whole front of Sousa
s house now and Diachision as well,,,,,,,
I also wanted to talk about Kathleen Watterson's court case,,her eight time,,,she had this guy Levi,,,document that this neighbor had two dish antenna aimed at her house,,microwave,,,all ham operators have their dish antenna aimed at the southern sky,,which I think is cool for some reason,,,that is where all the communication satellites are located over the equator I think...He had two aimed directly at her house,,,she lives on acres and he is the nearest house,,,,she protested dirt bike riders going by all the time, so that is what she did to get listed,,,it seems as if their is a war on young black men,,,two killed just recently,,big riots,,,and older white women,,,are the majority of those targeted, mostly older white women...
Anyway she sought a restraining order and this fucker is roasting her ,,cooking her, and all she wants is a restraining order,,,,? So I told her she should charge him with more than that and if this fucker keeps hitting her ,,,then go over with a rifle or a potato gun and blow his antenna and other equipment apart...I would...Neil says to hit someone with microwaves is a felony, FCC,,,so I will go today to check that out,,,so why not have him up for murder,,or at least attempted murder,,,that is what he is doing, I also pointed out to her in their transcript she posted that she stated the night before, she got fried,,,that is obstructing justice,,,so I think she should really bring out several more charges,,rather than just a restraining order,,,Levi said she already won that,,,,I want to include her testimony here it will take me a while to figure out how to do that.......that is about all for today,, so tired,,,all the time exhausted,,,always on the alert,,,they tore up my left leg and now have to drag it, they dug out the front of the shin,,,very very painful,,,the pain they inflict is not a ache but a sharp intense jab of pain,,,I knot they hit my thumbs so every once in a while,,,, I feel it,,,these guys know their anatomy , just where to hit to make your life miserable,,,,and I love this new keyboard,,,little tricky with a touch iPod,,,,but better than the keyboard it has,,,I can type much fast with this one though the kids,,,go like crazy with two thumbs......Jillian's generation is called the millinials...Im a boomer...she was born in 2000. by 3000she will be an old lady and probably dead,,, my father I think was born in 1907 or so,,,I don't know my mothers,,,he died in 93 at the age of 83,,, 1910 the amazing things he say,,, all of ww2 and all the new inventions,,,,like the telephone, I remember when we got one,,,one of the first in our neighborhood,,,we all stood around and looked at it, the old black hard plasticy ones and when it rang,,,well it was a holiday...Ive seen a lot pass too and now this DEW directed energy weapons,,,,,utter slaughter...THE Silent Holocaust......this keyboard has a mind of it's own... more later.
I just bought a wireless keyboard so I can write in my blog,,I could ill afford it, but doing without food is becoming normal.. I just lost ten pounds and I like it,,,maybe some more.weight loss would be good,,,
I also took some pictures with this iPod of the harassment but do not know how to put it here yet,,, all these devices except this keyboard was difficult to learn they all have their little tricks and if you don't know them feel the fool when you do it is so simple once you learn,,,but these iPods are an amazing little device and the good thing about it is it has a battery but you can run it off the power cord without the battery being involved...unlike my laptop,,,it is very fun and I can see why the kids love them and get lost in them they offer everything, the only thing you can't do is make a phone call,,and I cannot chat in the chat room of talkshoe and cannot call in over my iPod,,, I think you can but have not figured it out yet,,,I will go to apple and have a visit,,,with them and learn all the little secrets.
the assault has been horrendous,,,really bad,,,and constant,,, Stephen Major waits for me to arrive home today I fooled him , I came home down Coolidge ave instead of Wentworth,,he watches for me and will leave his house just as I almost get to St. Anne's ave just to piss me off,,,so today I saw him pass the house on my security camera,,,I moved it to the front of the house and cut down the bushes to see better because Sousa's kid was parking his car on my side of the street and every morning when he left,,,he nailed me wicked,,,I'm just a few feet away,,,the other night he was hitting Paul's house as well, so the camera,,,helps push them back,,,,Then Devin gets up and nails me with his xbox and that is on my list to purchase,,,the name of the game is ??? I will remember later,,,,I can see the whole front of Sousa
s house now and Diachision as well,,,,,,,
I also wanted to talk about Kathleen Watterson's court case,,her eight time,,,she had this guy Levi,,,document that this neighbor had two dish antenna aimed at her house,,microwave,,,all ham operators have their dish antenna aimed at the southern sky,,which I think is cool for some reason,,,that is where all the communication satellites are located over the equator I think...He had two aimed directly at her house,,,she lives on acres and he is the nearest house,,,,she protested dirt bike riders going by all the time, so that is what she did to get listed,,,it seems as if their is a war on young black men,,,two killed just recently,,big riots,,,and older white women,,,are the majority of those targeted, mostly older white women...
Anyway she sought a restraining order and this fucker is roasting her ,,cooking her, and all she wants is a restraining order,,,,? So I told her she should charge him with more than that and if this fucker keeps hitting her ,,,then go over with a rifle or a potato gun and blow his antenna and other equipment apart...I would...Neil says to hit someone with microwaves is a felony, FCC,,,so I will go today to check that out,,,so why not have him up for murder,,or at least attempted murder,,,that is what he is doing, I also pointed out to her in their transcript she posted that she stated the night before, she got fried,,,that is obstructing justice,,,so I think she should really bring out several more charges,,rather than just a restraining order,,,Levi said she already won that,,,,I want to include her testimony here it will take me a while to figure out how to do that.......that is about all for today,, so tired,,,all the time exhausted,,,always on the alert,,,they tore up my left leg and now have to drag it, they dug out the front of the shin,,,very very painful,,,the pain they inflict is not a ache but a sharp intense jab of pain,,,I knot they hit my thumbs so every once in a while,,,, I feel it,,,these guys know their anatomy , just where to hit to make your life miserable,,,,and I love this new keyboard,,,little tricky with a touch iPod,,,,but better than the keyboard it has,,,I can type much fast with this one though the kids,,,go like crazy with two thumbs......Jillian's generation is called the millinials...Im a boomer...she was born in 2000. by 3000she will be an old lady and probably dead,,, my father I think was born in 1907 or so,,,I don't know my mothers,,,he died in 93 at the age of 83,,, 1910 the amazing things he say,,, all of ww2 and all the new inventions,,,,like the telephone, I remember when we got one,,,one of the first in our neighborhood,,,we all stood around and looked at it, the old black hard plasticy ones and when it rang,,,well it was a holiday...Ive seen a lot pass too and now this DEW directed energy weapons,,,,,utter slaughter...THE Silent Holocaust......this keyboard has a mind of it's own... more later.
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